Bible Discussion Thread

  • Evelyn Pearson on Acts 7:55 - 4 years ago
    I know that KJV is God's preserved word perfect. So I'm trying to understand this verse Acts 7:55. It says Jesus is at God's right hand but I honestly was thinking Jesus is Lord thy God cause in 1 John 5:7 kjv it says they are as one. Can you explain this to me so I can explain it to others as well, because this was a questions that others have asked me as well. And he has to be God Says he was God manifest in the flesh as well.
  • Chris - In Reply on Acts 7:55 - 4 years ago
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    Likewise, in Jn 1:1-14, we're told that God sent forth His Word into the world (this was similar to His Word that He gave to the prophets to speak to Israel) but now He sends it to His people as the time for dealing with their sins had come ( Rom 5:6, 1 Tim 2:6). But to accomplish the payment for their sins (& ours), God required that every sinner had to pay for his/her sins with death & eternal separation from Him. Yet, because of His great Love for us ( Jn 3:16), & desiring our full restoration, He could have no other option, than to give of Himself for us. So the Word (part of the God-head) He sent out to His people would also be the Word that was clothed in humanity purely for the purpose of dying for us (a substitutionary death), so that we wouldn't suffer. So His Word came, given a body as ours, named Jesus (also called Immanuel = God with us), so people not only heard God's Message & got a wonderful glimpse of the Character & Wisdom of God & most importantly, had the payment of their sins made at Calvary. So when we read that Jesus sits at the right hand of God, He is there as the resurrected ascended Lord, now 'physically' distinct in the God-head because of His humanity, yet in a glorified body: just as we will be when we're in Heaven ( 1 Jn 3:2).
  • Chris - In Reply on Acts 7:55 - 4 years ago
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    Evelyn, just to add to the other good comments you received.

    As you have done, we need to refer to the Scriptures so as to learn a Truth, even though at times it's difficult to humanly comprehend (e.g. a Triune God). According to the Scriptures ( 1 Jn 5:7) there are "there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." There is one God & that one God is fully seen (or, expressed) in His Three Persons (Father, Word & Holy Spirit). Just as if a friend was talking with you, she would just see her friend Evelyn, in front of her. But if she were able to see you in a complete way, she would be aware of your physical (body), your soul & spirit: all parts that make you who you are. So God too, reveals Himself to His creation as the only True God. But unlike us, constrained by the physical & because He is only Spirit without Body, He can perform different functions or works in different places & in different ways.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Acts 7:55 - 4 years ago
    If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father.

    But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.

    But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:


    Some things have to be believed in FAITH.

    A Christian does not have to be drawn into debates about whether God is the Father, The Son is God or the third person of the Godhead is God the Holy Spirit. Each is separate but all 3 are God.

    There's a lot written about debates and the fact you and (these) friends are debating the known Truth; tells me that none are reading their Bibles, Chapter after Chapter. You cannot "spot read " and learn any continuity of thought.

    Try staying in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) and see how they all agree in scripture. Which you are doubting.

    This is a link. Really read it slow; word by word. John 3.

    Back in front of Revelation; Read 1 John, 2 John, 3 John

    If you still doubt, you may need to be sure you are born again. John 3. A person can agree mentally about salvation but fail somehow to receive the Holy Spirit; YOUR TEACHER.

    These scriptures are of the Godhead speaking to each other. Click on the links:

    Genesis 1:26

    Genesis 11:7

    Genesis 3:22

    1 John 5:7
  • Steve B - In Reply on Acts 7:55 - 4 years ago
    Hi Evelyn -

    In a human sense there are several ways to explain God as one.

    I am a son to my parents, I am a brother to my siblings, I am a husband to my wife, and I am a father to my children. I am different to each of them, but I am one and the same person.

    Let's look at H2O = water. It is one thing, yet it has 3 elements. Also, there is wet liquid, a solid when frozen, and a mist or fog when sprayed. It is 3 in one.

    I hope this helps. May God Bless Your Days. Keep reading the Scriptures, and praying, as God will open your eyes to His wonderful being through His Word. He is One.

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