Bible Discussion Thread

  • Alex on Ephesians 2 - 4 years ago
    Comments by alex about jew or gentile according to the promise ephesians 2 v 15 he took of the twain ( jew and gentile ) and made 1 newman which is the h.g. our new innerman.according to the seed of the sower that will initiate a new innerman the child of promise th new birth. my lil children of whom i travail in birth till christ is formed in you.which answers to our new heart and new spirit. god so loved the world meaning everybody, as god is no respector of persons.jacob n esau, he wants to steal our birth right which was a death penalty the soul that sinneth shall surely die and give us a new birth rite ( eternal life ) is our new birth rite thats y he said i come as a thief in the nite.

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