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  • TR Ahlstrom on Psalms 69 - 11 years ago
    This is a great mystery. It is the mystery of sin. The degree to which the sinless Son of God actually entered into our sins, "bearing our sins in his body on the cross" will never, in this life or the next, be fully known or appreciated. The total identification of Jesus with the shame and sorrow of sin has never been and will never be understood. Even writing this, I am amazed. What I know is that any shame I have ever felt, he felt many times over. Any reproach I have ever borne, he bore doubled and squared. He who alone bore the glorious name of God as his own became of "no reputation," while we who are but dust seek great names for ourselves, - and yet he loves us still. How can this be? What wondrous love is this, oh my soul.

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