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  • Danielle on Leviticus 20:13 - 11 years ago
    The reason so many laws regarding food were written like they were in the days of Moses, is because they didn't have the means to clean what was unclean. For instance it was against their religion not to eat pork, with modern day tech we are able to eat pork without getting sick. If you recall, God told Noah that all animals could be eaten as food, and clothing. Moses being a prince of Egypt was following Egyptian customs of not eating certain animals that would make them sick. Those animals were all meat eaters they considered unclean. Animals that ate grass were considered clean and therefore was acceptable meat for humans to eat. It is true we are not to judge others, that is God our Father in Heaven’s job. He is to judge each and every one of us. We are given the right to discern what is right from what is wrong and decide which path to follow. Whether we choose the right way or the wrong one, we will still have to answer to God. That is the free agency he gave to each one of us. He is a loving father who is quick to forgive us of our trespasses if we only ask for his forgiveness. He loves us, but not always what we do; he hates the sin, but he truly loves his children.

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