Bible Discussion Thread

  • Orex Job Kombea on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    Dear Author,

    Greetings in the name of almighty Jesus. 'Praise God', Amen!

    My name is Orex Job Kombea, a Christian fellow.

    I am bit clinked and alarmed in the points that you put out from the Book of Genesis. I have few ideas and conceptions.

    "The Biological perspectives are impacted for the Biblical purposes as a whole world.The Book of Genesis may not only the avenue that soughts the knowledge on

    the Biological Sciences in the Bible. But there are other books that sought the references how God designed and created the Biological world which mankind may uncover that seems the mystery.

    The book of Isaiah 28:10 quotes; "For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little". Which implies that the Biblical Science quotes are not that aligned into the analytical sequence so that mankind may identify them into the quick and easy paces. They are scattered all over in the book of Bible into both the Old and the New Testaments. Therefore, we'll have to seek them bit by bit and discover them, and literally analyse them into a whole reference that will become a whole approached knowledge.

    Into such a concept the Biological perspectives are impacted for the Biblical purposes. Romans 8:28. "And we know that in all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose" .

    For instance, What is the purpose of the animal 'BIRD'? Since every creation is created and made for purposes it got its name: acrostically we define it. "Best Informer Resource Daily". Birds' devine purpose is to inform mankind for daily time telling globally.

    Note: every creation got its name for its purposes. Therefore the name that each creation got is power and life for purpose. Like the name 'JESUS', " Jehovah Saves Us". Sarah and Abraham changed their names and they experienced the blessing, 'son Isaac'. Name is purpose.

    I be contacted for further!

    Thank you.....

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