Bible Discussion Thread

  • Wilma on James 1:1 - 4 years ago
    Were the twelve tribes that James wrote to from the tribes of Israel or the disciples?
  • Grace 13Aug2020 - In Reply on James 1:1 - 4 years ago
    Hello Wilma,

    James 1:1 is definitely written specifically to the 12 Tribes of Israel. Do not fall for the modern lie that the twelve tribes are from Jesus's disciples, the USA, Africa, the U.K or from descendants of any religious group not ever from Jewish ancestry in ancient Judea, Palestine, Samaria, or Israel

    They can't have been the children & grandkids of the 11 Disciples +1new one +Paul (they were promoted to Apostle status by the time of Acts) because most of the Apostles were single & celibate. It is impossible that the adult children, of the few Apostles who were married, had so many children, who then quickly spread out to so many nations faster than rabbits & locusts can in 18 to 20 years (year 32A.D/C.E to 50 C.E)

    Acts 8:1 is usually alleged as the cause and beginning of those scattered tribes - but it is a nonsense explanation by those who claim it is because 1) those Apostles stayed in Jerusalem, and 2) the born-again Jews [who never liked to be called 'Christians'] ran off to hide in Samaria & Judaea. That's what "throughout the regions of Judaea and Samaria, except the apostles" mean. Jerusalem is and was a city - not a nation. From just before the time of Jesus, Jerusalem was in the country of Judaea. Both Samaria & Judea were part of ancient Israel and God knows the borders of his nation despite all the political changes throughout history. So, the persecuted of Acts 8:1 didn't and couldn't have travelled far into non-Jewish nations

    The 12 Tribes of James 1:1 were already long established in non-Jewish nations. Generations of them. Their ancestors were refugees or slaves from different times of war & persecution. God occasionally punished the ancient Israelites (aka Jews) by expelling them out of Israel with many conquering enemies. Just before Jesus was born, it was the Roman Republic, followed by its Empire that took over Israel

    Some Jews chose to stay in non-Jewish nations after dangerous times ceased. That's how Paul was born outside of Israel

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