Bible Discussion Thread

  • Adam on 1 Corinthians 6:13 - 4 years ago
    I think it means God will destroy them after this life on Earth.
  • Mishael - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 6:13 - 4 years ago
    From this websites Commentary Page:

    Wesley's Notes for 1 Corinthians 6:3

    6:1 The unjust - The heathens. A Christian could expect no justice from these. The saints - Who might easily decide these smaller differences in a private and friendly manner.

    6:2 Know ye not - This expression occurs six times in this single chapter, and that with a peculiar force; for the Corinthians knew and gloried in it, but they did not practise. That the saints - After having been judged themselves. Shall judge the world - Shall be assessors with Christ in the judgment wherein he shall condemn all the wicked, as well angels as men, Matt 19:28 and Rev 20:4

    6:4 Them who are of no esteem in the church - That is, heathens, who, as such, could be in no esteem with the Christians.

    6:5 Is there not one among you, who are such admirers of wisdom, that is wise enough to decide such causes?


    People's Bible Notes for 1 Corinthians 6:3

    1Corinthians 6:3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? Evidently the BAD angels, who shall be judged when the world is judged.
  • Adam - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 6:13 - 4 years ago
    Hello, 6:13 not 6:3. Nice of you though.
  • Mishael - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 6:13 - 4 years ago
    Think maybe it was late and my eyes were fading in and out. Like right now.

    Have you seen Bob H ? He's on my heart a lot.
  • 1 Corinthians 613 - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 6:13 - 4 years ago
    So sorry :)

    People's Bible Notes for 1 Corinthians 6:13


    Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats. Self-indulgence was also excused, because food and the stomach were made for each other. But these are both perishable.

    Moreover, if "the belly was made for meats",

    the body [is] not for fornication. It was not made for this, but for a nobler purpose--for the Lord. Hence, sensuality cannot be thus justified.

    What happens in a marriage is between the couple.

    For Singles: Paul said it's better to marry than Burn. 1 Corinthians 7

    Everybody else who is unmarried, like me, have the time to be involved in ministry of some kind or another. It doesn't have to always be through a Church. There are many civic organizations, school activities outside. You can google around and see what volunteer activities are going on despite the pandemic scare.

    You'd have to take a short course for it, but suicide prevention centers still need volunteers.

    We're all gifted in many ways.

    It'd be a good time to get your feet shod for taking the gospel of peace. We all know enough about Jesus to tell someone else how to be saved. Think about it :)

    Water baptism isn't a issue really. if they receive Jesus; you can pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit on the front porch.

    The worst that might happen is they'll say "I have something on the stove", and they don't come back. It's just simply doing what Jesus and his disciples did. Not complicated at all.
  • Carleton - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 6:13 - 4 years ago
    I have a story of a person I knew before he passed on. His neighbor along a fence line came to him angrily that the man's dog had over night killed the angry neighbor's chickens. This man was extremely sorrowful that his neighbor had such a loss and immediately settled with the angry neighbor and the matter was closed. Later that day the man had several memories of his old dog that had died several months back.

  • Carleton - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 6:13 - 4 years ago
    The Body, The Church of believers rightly Baptized by members proving their born again repentance experiences and their peace with God and man will walk faithfully without perversion with the law or with the world in it's earthy ways of handling matters. If we as members choose to walk separately of the Body to handle matters of the world for our own lusts we fail the Body and have lost our place in our Spiritual everlasting habitation like the fallen angels. The Body must be kept pure and the ways have been described in the epistles. Jude warns of "turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness" and he reminds us of the first estate of the angels, "but they left their own habitation". This habitation was the Body. This same Body has been renewed in Christ Jesus as a Bride and this Body will be joined with Him in a marriage that is ever lasting. We as Christians no matter the personal cost must act within the Body to remain Holy and at Peace. In this presentation we will be a light and witness in the great darkness of this world.
  • Carleton - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 6:13 - 4 years ago
    As a member of the Body of Jesus Christ, Living within this Holy Place there is freedom, a lack of condemnation, love, peace and joy. Members of the body one man and one woman can be married and joined as one. A home. Within this home in the order of God there are liberties. A man and wife in the Lord can please themselves sexually without fear as long as there is no outside influence on their minds. Outside of this Holy Body is lusts and all kinds of pride. One part of the membership of this Holy Body is to guard against outside influences coming within the Body. This starts in a husband's and wife's life and together in their home. They can teach their children to listen to the call to salvation in the Lord while protecting them from outside influences. This can be in the smallest details such as language including cover words. Children will learn from their parents how to back up and say in one's heart they are sorry that they did such in such like raising a voice for example. The Christian home within the Body should be peaceful, separated, holy, undefiled just like the Body which is part of Jesus.

    The speed of moving images in the modern age is unholy and needs to be considered in all things. Fast moving images of the things of man find their way into our minds and hearts and dull the vision of Holy lives. If we are honest we know this is happening and we want deliverance but there is deliverance in self denial of watching such images of mankind.

    Within the Spirit led life of a husband and wife and home there is direction for each matter encountered, therefore hope.

    The Body is a place of rest and hope. It is a gathering of Saints, a washing of Saints, a calling for Saints and this gathering, this Holy Body knows no boundaries no borders no particular race or culture, it only knows Saints that have been once delivered from the bondage of sin outside of this Body.

  • Carleton - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 6:13 - 4 years ago
    The question of many believers may be: Is this Body of believers visible? I believe the answer is yes, it will likely be found where there a great love of the brethren, possibly including the Holy Kiss, feet washing and for the sake of the Body and the correction of an erring member (by love and for the purpose of restoration) of the Body, discipline under the guidance of the epistles.

  • Carleton - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 6:13 - 4 years ago
    Job 23:16

    For God maketh my heart soft, and the Almighty troubleth me..

    Isaiah 32:4

    The heart also of the rash shall understand knowledge, and the tongue of the stammers shall be ready to speak plainly.

    Isaiah 32:5-6

    The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful.

    For the vile person will speak villany, and his heart will work iniquity, to practise hypocrisy, and to utter error against the LORD, to make empty the soul of the hungry, and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail.

    Believers, this is our day (today), especially here in North America.

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