Bible Discussion Thread

  • To vote or not vote choose on Psalms 81 - 4 years ago
    Voting is a privilege that American soldiers have protected with their lives throughout our history.

    Voting is our voice. If you don't use it, then you have no right to complain. Be quiet.

    Usually we have one candidate that against abortion. That's who you'd want to vote for.

    All politicians have their speeches out there on Youtube. There's no reason to be in the dark on issues.

    After the caught up in the clouds (rapture), and the Antichrist is revealed.....THERE WILL BE NO VOTING anymore period. He has his agenda, and doesn't give a flying kite what people think.

    If you miss out being born again and raptured; you'll have to take the Mark of the Beast (at some point; maybe weeks, maybe months?) to buy food, water; etc. But you will lose your soul at the end.

    There will no government then. Antichrist will rule the world. The economies, the food supply, religion, and he will have his own armies to monitor and control people left behind. There may be internet or tv until the time when the two Witnesses are murdered by Antichrist. You may have to take the mark to have Internet?

    The Bible says that the Holy Spirit will be taken out of the way when these events occur. He'll still be here for those that want to be born again; but He cannot save your body. You'll survive miraculously, or you'll be decapitated for not taking the mark of the Beast or worshipping Antichrist.

    They're going to destroy all Bibles. You could hide them under rocks? Take off the barcode that can be GPS tracked.

    Don't think you can hide out in the woods: they have drones to search for gps and infrared to see people's heat.

    Be practical. Vote against bad management: those that ARE legislating to close churches, ban singing in church, ban Christian school choice and ban giving your tax money to your kids schools!

    Ban firearms to protect against rioters tearing up your homes.

    Voting is a tool.
  • Carleton - In Reply on Psalms 81 - 4 years ago
    Friend, any one can make a claim of what people want to hear for serving themselves. Christians are wiser than that.

    Keep the faith within the Saints as a witness to the unbelieving world.


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