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  • Rebecca on 1 Timothy 2 - 11 years ago
    This was a letter which Paul was sending to timothy for the Corinthian church, a specific church where women were, because of the new found freedom, being careless in their dressings and physical comportment, which was bringing disorderliness and worldliness in their midst. So the apostle of God had to set ORDER. Anything that prevents you from serving God, you should cut it off. What matters is that you do not put any worldly thing first before God, and that nothing hinders you from serving Him. And in doing so, you do not cause others to stumble or sin, but in whatever thing you do, you learn to consider not just yourself but others as well. The point is that God is looking into your HEART. The word of God says that man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks into the heart, and out of the abundance the heart, the mouth speaks. If you have the spirit of God in you, be open to God and He will lead you in every aspect of your life and by the way. Look at the women of faith in the bible, was not Esther a judge, or was not Deborah a judge, what about Mary who the spirit of God came upon to be the mother of our king. And what about Ruth, Naomi, Sarah, Anna, etc.. God calls who He wants to call, and uses who He wants to use to be a pastor, teacher, preacher, worshiper, whatever God wills. Joel 2:28 "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions". The Emphasis in this scripture is on YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS. This scripture was also cited in Acts 2:16-17. God bless you all.

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