Bible Discussion Thread

  • AOJ on Galatians 2 - 3 years ago
    It's only through Faith in Jesus Christ can anyone stand righteously before a Holy God, anything else is works. If the Law could save us Jesus didn't need to die for our sins. The Law was perfect, it shows us our need for a Savoir. God had already plan man's redemption. The Law is like looking at your face in a mirror and seeing it need to be wash and no matter how long you stare your face remains the same, until you get soap and water to wash the mess remains. Jesus resurrection power through Faith in His finish work is what every human being needs to cleanse away our sins. All has fallen short so we all need the resurrection power of the one who died and rose again for our justification. He became sin for us who knew no sin. I'm so glad for the Grace of God. He gave me what I don't deserve. The Law was our School master to bring us to Christ. Galatians 2:16 ; 3:11-29. Thank you Lord, for all that is given to us, when we agree with you that we need to be born again. Fill us Lord with the Fruit of the Spirit so we do not walk after and in the flesh, in Jesus wonderful name, Amen.

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