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Warning: session_start(): Failed to read session data: files (path: /var/lib/lsphp/session/lsphp80) in /home/kjv.site/public_html/Discussion-Thread/index.php on line 2 BIBLE DISCUSSION THREAD 142204
I don't know. But I would think that God would give them every possible chance. It will be very tempting not to take the mark knowing that you could'nt buy or sell without it. You would starve to death.
No. It's a conscious decision one will make so they and their family can live another 2 1/2 years; the Jesus returns and the wrath of God will be poured out on the earth.
Once you take the Mark, it's recorded in heaven.
Satans goal is to kill as many humans as possible; with the time he has. Satan will be held in hell for 1000 years. His final place will be in the Lake of Fire for eternity.
I'm curious as to what makes you think you can cheat death? If Satan can't cheat death no one else can either.
Satan and Antichrist are going to have drones equipped with infrared which can spot humans. GPS to alert troops your location. If they don't gun you down you'll be taken to a place to take the Mark, bow down and worship Antichrist. If you don't take it, you'll see all of your unsaved family members beheaded first.
They have equipment they can use to spot humans underground. If you have a Bible they will not let you keep it.
Go outside at night sometime and look at some of the Small blinking things in the sky: they're drones...at work.
After the Rapture, the first act will be to confiscate all Bibles. Finding fresh water will be Hard, since an asteroid named Wormwood will poison it everywhere. It had stories & photos on NASA, but they've removed them because it scares people. But other people keep the copies they had, back on websites. Check Hubble website.
What's going on? Is this some kind of fascination of sci-fi like themes? It's going to be 100 times worse than Hunger Games.
God recorded that this is going to happen. We've had 2000 years To get used To the idea.
fellow the spirit of the truth not your flesh? mark of the beast has been here since the garden of eden. what fruit of tree u eating from? A good tree can not bare bad fruit. bad tree can not bare good fruit, u cant chose two master's/ teacher's of this world? or the holy spirit.
Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
32Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD:
33But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
34And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more
Lionjudah, the Spirit has graced you with truths that most want see, Ezekiel 5:1-4, Zachariah 13:9, Obadiah 17-21, Zachariah 12:7-8, how great to be under the Spirits mercy and grace.
The comment thread you posted to received a new reply from 'Chris'!
To reply to the sender of this message please click the link below to use the form. Please do not reply to this email directly as the sender will not receive it. This is a courtesy automated email notification only.
"Sandra, I understand that whenever God's Wrath is poured out upon mankind (as in the Flood, Sodom & Gomorrah, & in the future Great Tribulation), it is never for the purpose for mankind to repent - it is His Judgement against man. I see that you are doing the work of an Evangelist, so the full ramifications of the Cross of Christ are uppermost in your heart.
Consider this: what if Jesus, God's Word, was NOT sent by the Father into the world to be the Saviour of men. It is certain, that God would have pronounced His Judgement on us much earlier & all sinners would have been sent to their rightful place, Hell. But Romans 5:6 says, "For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly." 'Strength' in Greek is 'asthenon' which in this application means, that mankind (Israel, specifically) had no power or plan to devise a scheme to justify herself before God, to make atonement, or to pacify God's Wrath against her.
So God had come to that point where mankind was irreparably damaged spiritually, the Old Law had served its purpose to show man his sins yet his heart was far from Him & God's Wrath against sin & wickedness in man, was looming. I see that God's Hand was about to move against us. But instead, His Love constrained Him so that payment for our sins, which we could never make, was made on our behalf through the giving of His Son. That shedding of Christ's Blood not only paid our ransom & opened the way for us to reach God through the 'new & living Way', but also took that Anger of God, meant for us, upon Himself. 1 Jn 2:2: "And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world." Propitiatio
My point is the kjv had 82 books originally from willliam tyndale and other reform movement. The kjv copy we have is not the origingal the royal family has got the origingal kjv so does the vatican , they took those books out and apocrypha so that we be stuck in the the beast mind set. They took those books out on purpose and left 66 books so that we do not come to the understanding of the SIPRIT in TRUTH.. pray for understanding??? Jah bless
Even a deceased human fertilized human egg will have an opportunities beyond opportunities uniquely by GOD to choose GOD in Christ or to reject GOD. All human souls have a will. GOD honors every human being soul to have a choice. GOD does not come against any human being's will. A choice to every soul.
The Holy Word of God is written on The Tablets of Our Hearts.
A woman got in Christ, she got to spread The Holy Word of God. She cut up The entire Holy Bible into pieces and gave these out daily to folks in her highways and byways. A man got the sole Word: die. He fell on his face to GOD! He said if i do not have Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour and Lord, Sealed with The Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ, then i am in eternal condemnation eternally separated from GOD!
I have seen a tree along a busy city street that its branches naturally grew into shaping JESUS.
None will have an excuse of not getting the opportunity to choose GOD and be Saved by Jesus Christ!
GOD speaks to each person uniquely! God whoos each uniquely.
It was even taught that GOD excellerates a deceased embryo of a human being to be given an age of accountability uniquely applied to choose GOD and Through Jesus Christ!
None goes to The Father but through Jesus Christ!
My question on this, is do those not in Christ have The Holy Word of GOD written on the tablets of their hearts too?
Romans 1, teaches that we ALL have the ability (given to us by God, from creation), to comprehend that SOMEONE made everything that we see, smell, taste, hear and feel.
Somehow we know it didn't crawl out of the ooze and become something. People try to burn our minds and teach us that we did. But our hearts tell us that Someone greater than we are, made all of this.
Thinking that we are all powerful and can exceed what we already know, sounds to me like what Satan boasts: I will, I will, I will, be greater than the Most High God.
Willing it does not make it so!
Normal intelligence should comprehend the existence of God. If we refuse to acknowledge it; then A CHOICE has been made. We all will live or die, eternally, on that hearts decision. We're human, and can change our minds at any point.
Cares of this life crowd in and take over, or destroy the consciousness of God the Creator: the One who loves our soul.
We are choosing Life or Death, every day. Things we speak to ourselves or to others, is either Life giving or Death, every day.
Everyday we awake and have to choose to Live or Die, spiritually.
A whole lifetime of good choices is what makes old age and approaching end of life, a happy thing. You stop resisting God, and fall into His open arms without hesitations.
You have no comprehension right now, the sheer NUMBERS of people that have already made this trip through life. They made a choice. They have to accept the Result of that Choice. Heaven or Hell?
Going to heaven on Good Deeds only; is a LIE that Satan got a lot of good people, entrance into hell. Unfortunately for them, they Chose to reject the free offer of Salvation from the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
This TIME IN HISTORY is no different. The age of Communication and Knowledge has increased! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached in Every form of Media. What do YOU listen to, watch, or read??
Praises too from babies are powerful against evil too!
May Nathan see Your Face on Your People Abba, Father, in The Holy Precious Name of Jesus Christ! Then that 4 month old or so said supernaturally with witnesses...I love You Daddy! As He looked at me. I said that prayer under my breath for this Fatherless baby ...or at that time separated parents.
Another baby out His finger to me on His back window of Their car from His car seat as i just prayed silently for further strength from GOD to continue! You must continue...The Posterity of Human beings depends on us folks to continue in Christ is our personal destinies in Christ to be fulfilled! Ask babies too to praise GOD! It is powerful against evil too. So are The Prayers of Jesus Christ Himself! Pray these too agreeing with Jesus Christ.
Our dog, Shadow, a standard huge full bred pomeranian, given to a paraplegic as a service dog in a nursing home used to listen to me reading The Hy Bible! I would say praise Tbe Lord Shadow in The Holy Name of Jesus Christ! He would turn over on his back and put all four paws up to GOD! Many personal stories of prayer time with that dog, Shadow! Especially, on tbe topic of animal testimonies in The Holy Bible. Shadow took it all seriously! He did his part to protect us using GOD stuff too! Shadow listened and obeyed GOD to even his ministry as a Service Dog for a paraplegic and so many elderly and sick in nursing homes. He lives with Them! Praising GOD still in battle against evil for Them too!
Pray for Holy Angels too! Pray for all creation! Pray for earth!
A young lady said to me that she was a holy angel.
How do you tell if she is or not?
She was born of physical parents. She was not a holy angel! She needed to understand this so that she could receive Salvation in Christ! A ministry for holy angels by her perhaps!
She needed to understand that she was not a holy angel! She is human species, and Salvation in Christ is for human beings! She was born human so she needs to be Born Again in Christ!.
Holy angels have their own accountability to GOD as do all creation uniquely! Including our pets and our landscaping outside our properties or highways or byways! Command such to all praise GOD always! There is power in their praise to GOD also against evil!
Will there be any left to welcome Jesus Christ when He returns?
Not all will die during the anti-Christ reign.
There will be folks still here on earth for the 1000 year Reign of Jesus Christ to evangelize to. So how can it be that there will be no hiding places from the anti-Christ?
Drones and aliens and those that will turn any in or simply be conduits of their bodies having that computer chip to hear and see all?
GOD made Holy Bibles invisible for Ministries when oppressed. Tbe oppressors actually were standing on The piles of Holy Bibles as they demanded where the Holy Bibles were. The reply was...Do you see Hy Bibles? Well then.
I don't think we know how the Anti-Christ's mark/name/number ( Rev 13:17,18) will be placed on those on Earth who want to continue to survive under his government. It could be a chip as you suggest or some other form (tattoo?). The Bible does tell us that to take his Mark or not, will be a final (& fatal) decision they have to make, just as a response to the Gospel message today: people need to repent & turn to Christ now before they die as there is no second chance after death to turn to Christ.
So I see that those living during Anti-Christ's rule have to make a similar decision. I dare say, that most would willingly take his Mark if they are to survive & function normally on Earth under his rule. Yet, when God's Wrath is finally poured out upon the whole Earth, then all will suffer under God's Hand, when even the Anti-Christ himself will be powerless & will be subject to its terrors.
I suppose those that accept the Mark can remove it or cover it up, but what would that serve, as removing the Mark will then bring them under the wrath of Anti-Christ & they stand to be killed or be rendered hungry & homeless.
You don't have to take the mark. I may starve to death but I'm taking no mark."
This sent to me.
My comments are on an Ask, Seek and Knock mode for those that are not in Christ, to even taking the 666, and how to help them get in Christ. Also, those left behind, if a rapture before Jesus Christ returns again. How to be prepared as The Body of Christ and all to assist in Salvation in Christ and not need to take the 666 at all! War against satan! Battlefield tactics!
Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, "If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation.
And he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name."
Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." ( Revelation 14:9-11)
A young lady, honry, said to me when i was pregnant for the first time, that it will not hurt at all when i have my baby. She had one.
My Mom said to me, after i told Her what this young lady said, my Mom said to me in the most serious of tone to me that when i have my baby it will be the worst pain that i have experienced. I would have gone unprepared for this pain of having my first baby. I sought out methods to endure that time.
People have said that we will not go through The Great Tribulation, per a rapture, etc.
It is going to be extreme! To say the least, prepare! Ask GOD! Obey GOD!
People have prayed for The Wrath of GOD on America to repent. A wife of a Pastor said that we would have to go through that Wrath too then!
Prepare fir The Worst of Life happenings during Tbe Great Tribulation, for it may be You and Your Loved Ones that may go through it!
More pain, I think! If they cut off their right hand, then the Mark will be put on their foreheads ( Rev 13:16: "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads").
No right hand - no head - not a good look at all. They would have less hand & head trauma by refusing the Mark from the beginning. Right?
To not be prepared for being in The Great Tribulation, per teachings on a rapture and You are omitted from living through The Great Tribulation is rude. Unprepared You go through it.
To instigate false timing of The Great Tribulation by not great stewardship of The Euphrates River is rude too!
To pray for wrath upon any Great Tribulation style for repentance, is rude too!
As Abraham Lincoln prayed, May Almighty GOD'S Perfect Will be done only and always in all matters! Right?
Why stimulate a birthing pang before its time of The Second Coming of Christ, falsely, by letting The Euphrates River to be unprotected of its use at all, or its Ice or snow melts to supply to it?
How can we in Christ ensure that any wrath of GOD or consequences of plagues or names being wiped out of The Lamb's Book of Life by not simply praying beyond understanding, that GOD The Father's Perfect Will be done regarding any End-Time event to happen, ever, by only The True Desires of Him ever?
Emptying out The Euphrates River at all is line inducing labor of a child!
Do all that we can to insist on only Abba, Father's Will be done on The End-Times topic of only a thousand plus 7 or so years to remain on earth or earth to exist at all!
Let GOD enjoy GOD'S Perfect Story of Life!
Creator to creation relationship applies!
GOD is beyond us, so surrender to GOD!
Submit to GOD alone in all matters!
Obey GOD Alone in all matters!
Learn to hear from GOD, so that You can obey GOD'S orders to You uniquely.
The original question is do those that get the 666 have any chance to Salvation in Christ after getting it? Cutting off their right hand in repentance before they died would be a possible solution. How could they cut their own head off though?
With sores put on those with the 666, is this God's method to get these folks to repent to still have a choice to have Salvation in Christ?
The mark of the beast 666 is: 6 the number of man, 66 number of books in the bible. Meaning the beast 666 is the man that perverts the Word of God. Jesus warned of false teachers and false prophets. Lynn
Possibly so. there may be something significant there. 666 can also be "the number of a man" compared to the number of perfection ie) God which is 7. When man decides he will bring about some utopian plan, it will always fail. Only God is able to change the heart of the sinner which is the main problem resulting in the evil on earth we see. In other words there will never be true peace on earth, a perfect world or utopian dream until Jesus Christ returns to reign on earth.
The rudeness of people to say that we will not be in The Great Tribulation to not ask seek, and knock to GOD to prepare ourselves and loved ones and all to possibly go through it!
The rudeness of mankind to insist on The Great Tribulation to happen ever before GOD The Father wants, ever, based on mankind's stewardship of The Euphrates River!
The rudeness of white witchcraft prayers of folks in Christ in anyone's life in any matter insisting in prayer an outcome on such at all based on power of that One in Christ! How many have been oppressed based on Those in Christ insisting on Their Own to outcome in any situation of a person's life, or nation, to even The preMature manifestation of The Great Tribulation over and over again in world-wide lives?
The power of One in Christ can also be so destructive to so many and to GOD'S Perfect Plans on any matter!
Is this pandemic a consequence if such manipulative prayers from those in Christ to bring forth The Wrath of GOD world-wide to repentance? Is this a consequence of ...we are GID above GOD in our powers in Christ to do what we so say needs to be done?
Prayers of The Wrath of GOD to be on America and then some for repentance by those in Christ! As the wife of a Pastor said that we too would need to go through such wrath too then!
Misuse of GOD stuff hurts many including themselves ever!
GOD will not submit yo any of creation ever to relinquish GOD being GOD to any!
Test it!
You want End-Times events folks in Christ, then You got it per GOD! Enjoy! Yet, really was it true timing of GOD? Play GOD folks! GOD still will be GOD still!
GOD is GOD and none other is ever!
What does GOD want from any of us any time? Please do that! If all do what GOD wants, then we have no misuse of The Euphrates River or not prepared for The anti-Christ reign by any ever!
Just learn to hear from GOD and do what GOD wants ever, for the best interests of all creation!
Almighty GOD'S perfect will be done in all matters!
All nouns Saved in Christ Eternal Life in Christ! After, of course, The Holy Bible is fulfilled! Gravy so to say ...a gift from at least Two in Christ to agree on, In The Holy Name of Jesus Christ! Amen! For The GLORY of GOD EVER!
Not any noun of creation lost!
That is how powerful One Drop of Jesus Christ's Blood is moreso!
Can those that take the 666 computer chip in their right hand or forehead repent and be saved in Christ?
How can they take it back out?
Once you take the Mark, it's recorded in heaven.
Satans goal is to kill as many humans as possible; with the time he has. Satan will be held in hell for 1000 years. His final place will be in the Lake of Fire for eternity.
I'm curious as to what makes you think you can cheat death? If Satan can't cheat death no one else can either.
Satan and Antichrist are going to have drones equipped with infrared which can spot humans. GPS to alert troops your location. If they don't gun you down you'll be taken to a place to take the Mark, bow down and worship Antichrist. If you don't take it, you'll see all of your unsaved family members beheaded first.
They have equipment they can use to spot humans underground. If you have a Bible they will not let you keep it.
Go outside at night sometime and look at some of the Small blinking things in the sky: they're drones...at work.
After the Rapture, the first act will be to confiscate all Bibles. Finding fresh water will be Hard, since an asteroid named Wormwood will poison it everywhere. It had stories & photos on NASA, but they've removed them because it scares people. But other people keep the copies they had, back on websites. Check Hubble website.
What's going on? Is this some kind of fascination of sci-fi like themes? It's going to be 100 times worse than Hunger Games.
God recorded that this is going to happen. We've had 2000 years To get used To the idea.
Get saved now. Get the whole family saved).
Who will be here on earth to welcome Jesus Christ?
Welcome not beg for a rock to fall upon them.
Welcome Him to be evangelized to in the 1000 years Reign by Jesus Christ on earth?
How long will they live for?
A hundred year old man with be next to 100 year old infant.
Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
32Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD:
33But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
34And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more
The comment thread you posted to received a new reply from 'Chris'!
To reply to the sender of this message please click the link below to use the form. Please do not reply to this email directly as the sender will not receive it. This is a courtesy automated email notification only.
"Sandra, I understand that whenever God's Wrath is poured out upon mankind (as in the Flood, Sodom & Gomorrah, & in the future Great Tribulation), it is never for the purpose for mankind to repent - it is His Judgement against man. I see that you are doing the work of an Evangelist, so the full ramifications of the Cross of Christ are uppermost in your heart.
Consider this: what if Jesus, God's Word, was NOT sent by the Father into the world to be the Saviour of men. It is certain, that God would have pronounced His Judgement on us much earlier & all sinners would have been sent to their rightful place, Hell. But Romans 5:6 says, "For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly." 'Strength' in Greek is 'asthenon' which in this application means, that mankind (Israel, specifically) had no power or plan to devise a scheme to justify herself before God, to make atonement, or to pacify God's Wrath against her.
So God had come to that point where mankind was irreparably damaged spiritually, the Old Law had served its purpose to show man his sins yet his heart was far from Him & God's Wrath against sin & wickedness in man, was looming. I see that God's Hand was about to move against us. But instead, His Love constrained Him so that payment for our sins, which we could never make, was made on our behalf through the giving of His Son. That shedding of Christ's Blood not only paid our ransom & opened the way for us to reach God through the 'new & living Way', but also took that Anger of God, meant for us, upon Himself. 1 Jn 2:2: "And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world." Propitiatio
Ever see the movie Fiddler on the Roof?
He said, you are right/correct and so are you! Opposite sides of the spectrum even in replies.
Both statements can be accurate though opposing of themselves.
Omniipotent, Omnience, and Omnipresent. Alpha and Omega. GOD!
A woman got in Christ, she got to spread The Holy Word of God. She cut up The entire Holy Bible into pieces and gave these out daily to folks in her highways and byways. A man got the sole Word: die. He fell on his face to GOD! He said if i do not have Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour and Lord, Sealed with The Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ, then i am in eternal condemnation eternally separated from GOD!
I have seen a tree along a busy city street that its branches naturally grew into shaping JESUS.
None will have an excuse of not getting the opportunity to choose GOD and be Saved by Jesus Christ!
GOD speaks to each person uniquely! God whoos each uniquely.
It was even taught that GOD excellerates a deceased embryo of a human being to be given an age of accountability uniquely applied to choose GOD and Through Jesus Christ!
None goes to The Father but through Jesus Christ!
My question on this, is do those not in Christ have The Holy Word of GOD written on the tablets of their hearts too?
Somehow we know it didn't crawl out of the ooze and become something. People try to burn our minds and teach us that we did. But our hearts tell us that Someone greater than we are, made all of this.
Thinking that we are all powerful and can exceed what we already know, sounds to me like what Satan boasts: I will, I will, I will, be greater than the Most High God.
Willing it does not make it so!
Normal intelligence should comprehend the existence of God. If we refuse to acknowledge it; then A CHOICE has been made. We all will live or die, eternally, on that hearts decision. We're human, and can change our minds at any point.
Cares of this life crowd in and take over, or destroy the consciousness of God the Creator: the One who loves our soul.
We are choosing Life or Death, every day. Things we speak to ourselves or to others, is either Life giving or Death, every day.
Everyday we awake and have to choose to Live or Die, spiritually.
A whole lifetime of good choices is what makes old age and approaching end of life, a happy thing. You stop resisting God, and fall into His open arms without hesitations.
You have no comprehension right now, the sheer NUMBERS of people that have already made this trip through life. They made a choice. They have to accept the Result of that Choice. Heaven or Hell?
Going to heaven on Good Deeds only; is a LIE that Satan got a lot of good people, entrance into hell. Unfortunately for them, they Chose to reject the free offer of Salvation from the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
This TIME IN HISTORY is no different. The age of Communication and Knowledge has increased! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached in Every form of Media. What do YOU listen to, watch, or read??
We Are Without Excuse. We cant argue
Our Way out of bad choices.
May Nathan see Your Face on Your People Abba, Father, in The Holy Precious Name of Jesus Christ! Then that 4 month old or so said supernaturally with witnesses...I love You Daddy! As He looked at me. I said that prayer under my breath for this Fatherless baby ...or at that time separated parents.
Another baby out His finger to me on His back window of Their car from His car seat as i just prayed silently for further strength from GOD to continue! You must continue...The Posterity of Human beings depends on us folks to continue in Christ is our personal destinies in Christ to be fulfilled! Ask babies too to praise GOD! It is powerful against evil too. So are The Prayers of Jesus Christ Himself! Pray these too agreeing with Jesus Christ.
A young lady said to me that she was a holy angel.
How do you tell if she is or not?
She was born of physical parents. She was not a holy angel! She needed to understand this so that she could receive Salvation in Christ! A ministry for holy angels by her perhaps!
She needed to understand that she was not a holy angel! She is human species, and Salvation in Christ is for human beings! She was born human so she needs to be Born Again in Christ!.
Holy angels have their own accountability to GOD as do all creation uniquely! Including our pets and our landscaping outside our properties or highways or byways! Command such to all praise GOD always! There is power in their praise to GOD also against evil!
The 1000 year Reign of Jesus Christ on earth will be to evangelize these human beings to Be in Christ.
There has to be some kind of successful refuges of hiding places for people that do not take the 666.
Where and how to supply?
Not all will die during the anti-Christ reign.
There will be folks still here on earth for the 1000 year Reign of Jesus Christ to evangelize to. So how can it be that there will be no hiding places from the anti-Christ?
Drones and aliens and those that will turn any in or simply be conduits of their bodies having that computer chip to hear and see all?
Gosh, with drones and all that can see underground, why flee at all?
Just give up and surrender to the anti-Christ to be murdered for Our Faith in Christ.
Why would Jesus Christ say to run and flee?
SURRENDER to be Martyrs all!
Gosh, left behind or no rapture or mid Tribulation or Post Tribulation rapture...
Kiss Ourselves Goodbye!
So I see that those living during Anti-Christ's rule have to make a similar decision. I dare say, that most would willingly take his Mark if they are to survive & function normally on Earth under his rule. Yet, when God's Wrath is finally poured out upon the whole Earth, then all will suffer under God's Hand, when even the Anti-Christ himself will be powerless & will be subject to its terrors.
I suppose those that accept the Mark can remove it or cover it up, but what would that serve, as removing the Mark will then bring them under the wrath of Anti-Christ & they stand to be killed or be rendered hungry & homeless.
To lose one's soul and save the world?
Yet, using all weapons of war against satan! Run and flee! O.k. and we will fight!
Be led by GOD individually and be not deceived!
Pray to not be deceived.
Obey GOD uniquely too!
Prepare for the worst of The Body of Christ having to go through the reign of the anti-Christ! Spiritually and physically prepare!
Ask, Seek, and Knock to GOD!
Pray for those that will go through Tbe Great Tribulation!.
A bowl of incense of The Prayers of The Bidy of Christ, GOD will use too.
This sent to me.
My comments are on an Ask, Seek and Knock mode for those that are not in Christ, to even taking the 666, and how to help them get in Christ. Also, those left behind, if a rapture before Jesus Christ returns again. How to be prepared as The Body of Christ and all to assist in Salvation in Christ and not need to take the 666 at all! War against satan! Battlefield tactics!
A hundred old man, a hundred year old baby. ( paraphrase)
Where will those without the 666 be hiding from the anti-Christ?
There will be people to evangelize to for the 1000 year Reign of Jesus Christ on earth.
Will time be slowed down for these 1000 years?
And he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name."
Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." ( Revelation 14:9-11)
My Mom said to me, after i told Her what this young lady said, my Mom said to me in the most serious of tone to me that when i have my baby it will be the worst pain that i have experienced. I would have gone unprepared for this pain of having my first baby. I sought out methods to endure that time.
People have said that we will not go through The Great Tribulation, per a rapture, etc.
It is going to be extreme! To say the least, prepare! Ask GOD! Obey GOD!
People have prayed for The Wrath of GOD on America to repent. A wife of a Pastor said that we would have to go through that Wrath too then!
Prepare fir The Worst of Life happenings during Tbe Great Tribulation, for it may be You and Your Loved Ones that may go through it!
No right hand - no head - not a good look at all. They would have less hand & head trauma by refusing the Mark from the beginning. Right?
To instigate false timing of The Great Tribulation by not great stewardship of The Euphrates River is rude too!
To pray for wrath upon any Great Tribulation style for repentance, is rude too!
As Abraham Lincoln prayed, May Almighty GOD'S Perfect Will be done only and always in all matters! Right?
How can we in Christ ensure that any wrath of GOD or consequences of plagues or names being wiped out of The Lamb's Book of Life by not simply praying beyond understanding, that GOD The Father's Perfect Will be done regarding any End-Time event to happen, ever, by only The True Desires of Him ever?
Emptying out The Euphrates River at all is line inducing labor of a child!
Do all that we can to insist on only Abba, Father's Will be done on The End-Times topic of only a thousand plus 7 or so years to remain on earth or earth to exist at all!
Let GOD enjoy GOD'S Perfect Story of Life!
Creator to creation relationship applies!
GOD is beyond us, so surrender to GOD!
Submit to GOD alone in all matters!
Obey GOD Alone in all matters!
Learn to hear from GOD, so that You can obey GOD'S orders to You uniquely.
With sores put on those with the 666, is this God's method to get these folks to repent to still have a choice to have Salvation in Christ?
If so, then what do they do about the mark?
The mark of the beast 666 is: 6 the number of man, 66 number of books in the bible. Meaning the beast 666 is the man that perverts the Word of God. Jesus warned of false teachers and false prophets. Lynn
The rudeness of mankind to insist on The Great Tribulation to happen ever before GOD The Father wants, ever, based on mankind's stewardship of The Euphrates River!
The rudeness of white witchcraft prayers of folks in Christ in anyone's life in any matter insisting in prayer an outcome on such at all based on power of that One in Christ! How many have been oppressed based on Those in Christ insisting on Their Own to outcome in any situation of a person's life, or nation, to even The preMature manifestation of The Great Tribulation over and over again in world-wide lives?
The power of One in Christ can also be so destructive to so many and to GOD'S Perfect Plans on any matter!
Is this pandemic a consequence if such manipulative prayers from those in Christ to bring forth The Wrath of GOD world-wide to repentance? Is this a consequence of ...we are GID above GOD in our powers in Christ to do what we so say needs to be done?
Prayers of The Wrath of GOD to be on America and then some for repentance by those in Christ! As the wife of a Pastor said that we too would need to go through such wrath too then!
Misuse of GOD stuff hurts many including themselves ever!
GOD will not submit yo any of creation ever to relinquish GOD being GOD to any!
Test it!
You want End-Times events folks in Christ, then You got it per GOD! Enjoy! Yet, really was it true timing of GOD? Play GOD folks! GOD still will be GOD still!
GOD is GOD and none other is ever!
What does GOD want from any of us any time? Please do that! If all do what GOD wants, then we have no misuse of The Euphrates River or not prepared for The anti-Christ reign by any ever!
Just learn to hear from GOD and do what GOD wants ever, for the best interests of all creation!
Almighty GOD'S perfect will be done in all matters!
Not any noun of creation lost!
That is how powerful One Drop of Jesus Christ's Blood is moreso!
Right GOD?