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Bible Discussion Thread


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  • Pro on Genesis 4 - 14 years ago
    The Power of Truth

    WARNING: the information you are about to learn can get you killed.
    (Quiz: what do Mrs. Bhutto, Martin Luther King Jr., the Kennedys and Abraham Lincoln have in common?)

    Son of man, set they face against God, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him. Ezekiel 38:32

    God doesn't send evil, but He allows it. In the Bible, in the book of Job, you can see that Satan has to deal with God to get permission to hurt (test) Job. Bible verses translated from Hebrew and Greek stating that God has an evil spirit are erroneous. God is Law, and when people break the law, they find themselves under the curse of the law, but if they obey the 10 commandments, they keep themselves under blessings. When Jacob (a black man) supplanted his twin brother, Esau (a white man with red hair blue eyes - Aryan) of his birthright in exchange for food, their father Isaac (which was Ismahel's half brother by Abraham - Ismael being the Arab Muslims) Isaac put Esau's material blessing (Banks) on Jacob (who later became Israel's 12 Tribes) along with the spiritual blessing of the Kingdom of God on earth (Torah) there was no more blessings to put on Esau (the 13th Tribe). So in Genesis 27:40, the father Isaac blessed Esau with a conditional blessing - IF... then.... (if Jacob breaks the law, then Esau will get the material blessing - the banks) and Jacob sinned.

    Revelation 11:15 "The Kingdom of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ: and he shall reign forever and ever". Luke 1:31-35 Jesus was born to be king. Greater is He that is in you than he (Lucifer) that is in the world!

    Revelation 13:17 and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name (666).

    God is the only power there is. Lucifer is not a power (the only power he has is money); he is the arch-deceiver. He thrives on illusions, myths and lies. The myth of the two powers (God wrestling against Evil) is nothing else than a lie. It is nothingness. If you had all the powers of God in you right now, which you do, you would not have to use it, because there is nothing to use it against or to challenge it with. The two power myth (among many other lies) comes from the Garden of Eden when Lucifer deceived Adam and Eve. God asked them: "Who told you that you were naked?" Note to the readers: You will have to keep your mind open and be prepared to change your mind set with this Idea Replacement if you are to grasp this very simple thesis.

    After spending 60,000 years in caves with the "homme savant", during the Ice Age, God decided to reproduce His Holy (complete) character in man. Six thousand years ago, in the Garden of Eden, God (Elohim meaning family) planted a spirit in man Zech. 12:1 to connect with His Holy Spirit, and inspire man with things of the Spirit: language, music, arts and God’s master plan of 7,000 years duration, to reproduce Himself in man. God and the Word proceeded to make man after their image (holy character). Although Lucifer had already coveted God’s throne in heaven by saying in his heart: "I will be God - I will sit on the Throne" and had been cast out of heaven, he still had the responsibility to govern the earth with one third of the angels. HE IS THE PRINCE OF THE AIR (Media/TV/Entertainment). He was in the garden deceiving man, still is, and has a plan to interfere with God’s master plan both through World Ruling Empires and False Churches (Religions) by teaching his greedy get way of life opposed to God’s loving give way of life. Reference: Armstrong Correspondence Bible College.

    From Adam to Noah there is 1,000 years; from Noah to Abraham 1,000 years; to David another 1,000 and to Jesus 1,000 years - since Jesus 2,000 years for a total of 6,000 years. There is another 1,000 years to come (the Millennium when Jesus will be ruling the earth) and after that, there will be 100 years for the Judgement (White Throne) and then, there will be a New Heaven and a New Earth. Right now we are at a couple of seconds prior to midnight on day #6.

    We are way passed the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse, Rev. 6, which are: the white horse (false religions); the red horse (wars); the pale horse (pestilence/famines) and the black horse (death). There are still a lot of Tribulations and Heavenly Signs to come only Jesus can stop the complete annihilation of people on earth:
    The 7th Seal is the 7 Trumpets:
    1st trumpet - 1/3 of the trees & grass will burn;
    2nd turmpet - 1/3 of the sea will become blood;
    3rd trumpet - 1/3 of the fresh water will become bitter;
    4th trumpet - 1/3 of the light will be darkened;
    5th trumpet - (1st Woe) Rev. 9 - War between the King of the South (KoS) (Arabs) vs. the King of the North (KoN) which is Germany-led European Union
    (E.U.) Dan.11:40;
    6th trumpet - (2nd Woe) A Russian & Chinese Army of 200 million, Rev. 9:16, 1/3 of mankind will meet at Megiddo, 55 miles Northwest of Jerusalem, and kill
    1/3 of 7 billion people, Rev. 16:16; at that point people should repent Ezekiel 14:6;
    7th trumpet - (3rd Woe) (all within 24 hours) Return of Jesus Christ, the first Resurrection of saints and the
    7 Vials: 1st vial: Sores; 2. bloody sea; 3.bloody water; 4. burning sun; 5. darkness & pain; 6. Euphrates River dries up, and 7. the
    greatest earthquake ever when Jesus’ feet land on Mount of Olives and the mount cleaves in two - Zech. 14:4.

    Since the beginning Lucifer oppressed the world through very cruel and murderous World Ruling Empires – the Great Image in Daniel 2 and 7 and the Beast in Revelation 13 and 17 all represent the same government by Satan, on earth:
    I. Chaldean Empire Nebuchadnezzar 825-538 B.C. (head of gold);
    II. Medo-Persian Empire 539-330 B.C. (shoulders and arms of silver);
    III. Greco-Macedonian Empire 334-323 B.C. (torso of brass);
    IV. Roman Empire 30 B.C. – A.D. 476 till Christ returns, now. The two legs are the Western Capital: Rome & Eastern Capital: Constantinople. The feet & toes are 5 nations in the West, and 5 nations in the East of E.U. The feet and 10 toes of iron (KoN) mixed with clay (KoS) are ten contemporaneous (at the same time) European kings in the E.U. In Revelation 13 & 17, the seven-headed beast and the ten horns represent 10 successive resurrections (governments), of the amalgamated Church and State - Holy (Catholic Church) Roman Empire (State) KoN, swift, hard and brutal as iron ruling government or Globalisation is leading the whole world, through filthy rich empires from the four quarters (4/4) of the earth: North, East, West and South (N.E.W.S.) Europe, Russia/China/India, the Bush Administration in U.S. and the Conservative Party (Mulroney/Harper government) in Canada, and Arabs into a New World Order (NWO). The last resurrection was the 9th horn (WWII). The coming 10th resurrection’s propaganda is to foment hatred between Iran and Zionists (Israel) to provoke WWIII; and most churches are totally hypnotized by the Illuminati (Lucifer).

    The NWO loves: Police states, Arts and cheap labour. It has a pattern of slavery and unimaginable cruelty, genocide, threats, assassinations, poisonings, plant temptation and use sex blackmail (as in Lewinsky) and botched operations and always use a fall guy (someone to blame if things go wrong - like Hitler in WWII, Hitler being a Rothschild's illegitimate cousin, and Bin Laden for the War on Terror) typical signature of the NWO. While Germany was winning WWII, they got Hitler to commit suicide, while a sex blackmailed U.S. President, Woodlow Wilson in 1913, had agreed to appoint a Zionist Braedeis as U.S. Supreme Court judge, through a Rotschild's law firm, Braedeis quid pro quo Britain to bring U.S. troops for Balfour Act, if the Brits would give Jerusalem to Germany by recognizing the Zionists, the Nazi’s new creation, ISRAEL, in the Balfour Act to Rothschild, then the Brits would win the war. Britain had no more right to do that than China has the right to give Canada to U.S. Also Google, Charles Lindbergh 1913 speech re. the invisible government of the monetary power.

    After he had a dream, General Albert Pike, an Illuminati and a Freemason, completes his military blueprint for three World Wars to enfold: WWI he planned to foment war between the British and the Germans; WWII - the slaughter of Jews to foment hatred against Germans and to create the Zionist Nation, a military base in the Middle East; and WWIII - foment hatred to play Iran, the Islamics, against the Zionists so they (Zionists) can exterminate Islam. Reference: The History of the House of Rothschild, by Andrew Hitchcock. All this evil is planned by the Bilderberg Group (13 rich families of greedy gangsters).

    The Rothschilds (Esau) violent, barbarian murderers, claim that they are Jewish. They are from Khazaria and had to convert to Jewry by instructions of the King. In slaughtering millions of real (Jacob) Jews, the AshkeNAZI Jews, what they like to call themselves, met in secret underground and planned to force real Jews from all over the world to move to Jerusalem and they created a Zionist Nation. Every Prime Minister of Israel has been an Ashkenazi Jew (90% of Jews today are Khazars - Ashkenazi Jews). Their Roth (German for red) schild (sign) is the red Hexagram, 9/11 IX XI, which geometrically and numerically translates into the number 666. Adolf Hitler did not have a grand-father (but he had his character). Joseph Rothschild's son looks exactly like Hitler.

    The stone, in Daniel 2:45, was cut out of the mountain without hands, hitting the statue's feet, it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream [is] certain, and the interpretation thereof sure. That stone cut without hands means a discourse not thought by universities, nor by man, but is inspired from God, and is the Word of God, the Torah (you will know the Truth and the Truth will make you free. John 8:32) and when it hits (now) the statue on the feet it vaporises Satan’s ruling kingdom on earth (illusions/myths and lies) once and for all. Daniel 2:44. Zechariah 4:6-7 This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain...

    Then Jesus will rule during the Millennium, Revelation 14:14, where the lamb will sit with the lion and there will be the great harvest of souls. Jesus’ resurrection was the Barley Harvest; the Church, to help Him during the Millennium, is the Wheat Harvest and during the Millennium will be the Grape (people) great Fruit Harvest. Now is not the time to harvest for the Kingdom of God for He has planned one thousand years to do just that.

    The Illuminati also known as the: Freemason, Luciferian, Ku Klux Klan, New World Order owning half the wealth of the world, Rothschilds' 500 Trillion Dollars have a plan by making money through wars. Very similar to 1817 where they fomented war between Britain and the United States wishing on the U.S. for refusing their bank, that the U.S. would be in such deep debt fighting that war, that they would surrender to the Rothschilds - in recent years, their latest fiasco, showed the same pattern. Before Bush Jr. took office, the budget had over a 250 Billion Dollars Surplus and after, Bush left a 1.3 Trillion Dollars Deficit. The Republicans wasted the Surplus, plus all the tax Revenues for twelve years and signed 1.3 Trillion Dollars into legislation for wars industries in order to bring the United States under the control of the Bankers. The Zionists, Corporations, United Nations, International Law, European Union, African, Asian and Indian Markets, Saudis, UNESCO, IMF, NATO, NAFTA, World Trade Organization, Military Industrial Complex (MIC) Eisenhower's farewell speech, Globalisation, Green parties, Pharmaceutical companies, Viagra & the porn industry, Sex trade & Pedophilia, Opium, Vaccines induced diseases infirmities and deaths such as AIDS in Africa being a crop of mass vaccinations in the 1940-50s and other mass murders and genocides in Africa and South America, Pandemic diseases, Street drugs, Mass incarceration of black men, the Food Industry, Water, Oil, Gold & Silver, Diamonds & precious metals (mining), religions, media, TV, University & College education, research & development, cell phones, toys, makeup, tooth paste, coffee and toilet paper etc. And we wonder if 9/11 was a conspiracy? IX XI was necessary.

    May God bless Jacob ( Ezekiel 37) and punish Esau ( Ezekiel 38 & 39). Remember, it is better to know this in silence than to speak and be silenced!

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