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Bible Discussion Thread

  • Ian on Psalms 119:18 - 4 years ago
    Why does God choose to open the eyes of some to saving truth yet not to others
  • Chris - In Reply on Psalms 119:18 - 4 years ago
    Ian, that's a question many have contemplated long & hard over the generations. You could receive different views, but I can only share how I consider such an intriguing matter.

    Whatever things are hidden from us & are in the domain of Almighty God need to remain with Him, without our compulsions to believe a certain way. One of the best verses that gives us a glimpse of this is in Ephesians 1:3-5 where Paul tells us of God's Plan for those He chooses. However, the verses only tell us that God has chosen us IN HIM (in Christ) even before the foundation of the world to be holy beings. And that God has predestined (planned our destiny) to be called His children through Jesus Christ & according to His good pleasure.

    But, as you ask, why some & not others? Are we so privileged to belong to Him because our names were 'drawn out of a hat'? Or, did God, in His Omniscience, already know those whom He wanted or would respond to His Call & therefore appointed us to receive salvation? Is it at all possible that there could be some earnest soul wanting to be saved through Jesus, but is refused because of not being predestined? I have never seen such a pitiful situation as this.

    Then why is the Gospel preached by the Apostles & the Church, if God's predestining overrides any effort or desire on our part? The only way I can understand this aspect of God's Character is by harmonizing the Scriptures. If His Love for the sinner was so great & persistent that He would send His Son for our sake & that Jesus Himself enjoined his apostles to take this Gospel message to the far reaches of the globe, then surely God's predestining & choosing is dependent on His prompting of a heart to hunger for Truth, to hear & receive the Gospel & be sealed with His Spirit. And those who will reject the Truth because of the hardness of their hearts, to them God has not shed Light nor predestined to salvation. Yet we still preach the Gospel so all may hear & know - that's our responsibility.
  • Ian Maclean - In Reply on Psalms 119:18 - 4 years ago
    Thanks for your reply.....i agree.....with the sacred songster all i can say is....'what is man....."
  • PA Dickerson - In Reply - 3 years ago
    The Sun shined on two lumps of clay. One lump receive the rays and became pliable to be used. The other lump did not receive the rays internally because dried and hard, unfit to be used.

    The Water rain down from the heavens upon the earth. Some of the earth received the down pour and became pliable and beared much fruit. Another part of the earth was so harden the water could not be absorbed, rendering it unfit to bring forth fruit.

    Salvation had come to all men in the person of Jesus Christ. The Father knew before the foundations of the world who would believe His Son and who would reject Him..........
  • Jess - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Ian....God reveals Himself to ALL! Choosing to have FAITH Him is all up to US!! God says in His word that He would have NONE to perish, His word also says that He will not return until ALL have heard! Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction...but Narrow is the way that leadeth to righteousness(Christ in US).. Mankind, especially these days, naturally look to self (pride)..I CAN DO THIS. When in reality WE CAN"T....we MESS it UP! Society and the World teach this philosophy on top of many other philosophies that go AGAINST God making it very difficult to show people that we are sinners...and that Jesus died for our sins...and He arose three days later...and sits at the right Hand of the Father...waiting to return to get His children... the mere teaching of "GOD LOVES EVERYONE" is also another hurdle to over come! God LOVED ALL of us enough to die for us!! God only continues to love His children...the unsaved will receive the wrath of God, my Father. It all boils down to simple FAITH!! Some CHOOSE it...other do not...Sad things is they will die and go to hell....
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Brother Jess, may CHRIST IN US grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.

    WE ARE POTS (vessels):

    Romans 9:21 Hath not the potter POWER over the clay (pot), of the same lump (of clay) to make one vessel UNTO HONOUR, and another (vessel) UNTO DISHONOUR.

    John 15:16 You HAVE NOT chosen me, I HAVE CHOSEN YOU .....

    You are giving yourself powers that YOU DO NOT HAVE. Pot's CANNOT DO ANYTHING (they are chosen to fullfill a predestinated position in the kingdom of heaven).

    Mankind is walking in the will of God whether they know it or not; most sure don't believe that everything happening is the WILL of God.

    Philippians 2:13 For it is God (the Spirit) that WORKETH IN YOU (creation; honourable and dishonourable vessels, causing them) both to WILL and to DO his (the Father's pleasure). (You can of yourself DO NOTHING John 15:5).


    Romans 8:20 For the creature (creation) was MADE SUBJECT TO VANITY, NOT WILLINGLY ....

    2 Thessalonians 2:4 Who (the pot) opposeth and exalteth HIMSELF above all that is called God; so that he (the pot) setteth in the TEMPLE OF GOD (you are the temple of God 1 Corinthians 3:16-17), (the pot) showing himself that he (the pot) is GOD (above the sovereignty of the Spirit, not believing the words of God.

    None will perish; because it is God that is working in creation to FULLFILL his words; Man has no SAY in whats being FULLFILLED.

    1 John 4:14 For we have seen and do testify that THE FATHER SENT the Son to be SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD.

    Do you believe Christ is going to FAIL his Father's commission.
  • Rick - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Earl You state we believers have no choice, if you mean in the category of what we choose to do for God, Romans 12:2 Be not conformed to this world is a choice, Romans 12: 16 Be of the same mind one towards another is a choice, verse 21 be not overcome with evil but overcome evil with good, its a choice. What we have in our pots or vessels is perfect what an individual chooses to do with the gift is choice. I agree that in the end Gods Will his word will be done by those who choose by there freedom of will to do His will and spread the Gospel, and I understand that unbelievers are doing what he knows because God is all knowing in that sense I understand what your stating. In that capacity all still have a choice. In His Service
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Brother Rick, We make thousands of choices every day, but the Spirit causes us to make those choices.

    Jesus made choices everyday he walked in the flesh, but he knew his choices were all caused by the SPIRIT. I came to do the will of my Father (the Spirit). Of myself (without the Spirit) I can do nothing.

    Coming to this truth is how we will be able to judge the world in RIGHTEOUSNESS with Christ. The Spirit causes us to judge as the Spirit causes Christ to judge. Can two walk together (be one) except they be agreed? ( Amos 3:3)

    Philippians 2:13 For it is God (the Spirit) that WORKETH in you (creation, mankind) Both TO WILL (he cause his will to be your will) (he causes his choices to be your choices) and TO DO (the works he wants your labour to accomplish) his good pleasure.

    Ezekiel 36:27 And I WILL put my SPIRIT within you, and CAUSE YOU to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my JUDGEMENTS, AND DO THEM.

    Ephesians 1:11 In whom (in the Spirit) also we have obtained an inheritance (being ONE , IN AGREEMENT with the Spirit), being predestinated according to the purpose(THE WILL) (of the Spirit) who WORKETH all things after the counsel of his (the Spirits) own will (not our will).
  • Rick - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Earl I'll tell you right now that not all my choices are made by the spirit, thats being honest. I know of no man who walks by the spirit 24/7 except the Lord Jesus Christ. In His Service
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Brother Rick, I believe you don't think all our choices are from the Spirit, because lots of our choices are bad.

    Why don't you think the Spirit would cause us to made bad choices, if those bad choices were NECESSARY to make us complete. Psalms says God gives us a experience of evil to HUMBLE us. Humility is a necessary quality that has to be formed in us.

    The word says ALL THINGS (good and bad) work together IN THOSE who love the Lord.
  • Rick - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Earl In Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for GOOD it doesn't say bad to them that love God condition does not apply to unbeliever to them that are called the church according to His purpose. In His Service
  • Rick - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Earl I understand that you believe everything that occurs is because of the spirit and that is your privilege, but it is also my privilege to disagree based on what I see in scripture. That being stated God Bless In His Service
  • Rick - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Earl We are already complete in him spiritually not mentally. In His Service

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