Bible Discussion Thread

  • Shirley Wilson on Wisdom of Solomon 1:2 - 3 years ago
    How can I get into learning. More about ecclesiasticous
  • Personal Bible Study - In Reply on Wisdom of Solomon 1:2 - 3 years ago
    Others can point you to the right reference books you might enjoy adding to your Bible studies.

    I have 7 severely marked up Bibles; all KJV. A Strongs Concordance. A Dakes Bible I only use for the lists.

    I use Commentaries on this Website and on Google. Google=King James Bible Commentaries to weed out some commentators. You just type in your scripture on Google plus the word "Commentary". ALWAYS run comments under the Holy Spirits scrutiny.

    He is our Teacher. We can't rightly divide anything without Him. He should help us pick out all of our books. Some authors I have: Tozer, Andrew Murray, Watchman Nee, Arthur E Bloomfield, Charles Capps.

    I don't think it's good to read too many authors. That's just me. I rely heavily on the Holy Spirit to educate me. He's trying to teach us all the time, but we don't get still, and listen.

    Keep a journal and date it: things the Holy Spirit teaches or comments on. He will always without fail, Confirm His Word.


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