Bible Discussion Thread

  • J Paul Brown on Matthew 6:29 - 3 years ago
    I read Mathew 6 to say we should not pursue our personal needs, (food; shelter;housing)..Am I not understanding this..?
  • CC - In Reply on Matthew 6:29 - 3 years ago
    Bless you what it is saying is that you don't get so consumed in these thing that you don't seek God's kingdom in your life. Jesus got up great while before day and went into a solitary place and prayed before he started his day off. You have to seek personal needs such as food clothes and shelter. Daniel work was a great man and he put God first. Put God first and he will make sure you have the means to get what you need. Consider What I Say and the Lord Give You Understanding. Stay blessed!
  • Anthony - In Reply on Matthew 6:29 - 3 years ago
    It is a little more complex. What Jesus is saying is God is the great provider. And he is commissioning those to go out and perform God's work. It is not that we should not pursue our personal needs but that God will provide for his children just like he provides for nature. He gives us the ability to work to purchase the things we need. He gives us knowledge to be good stewards of the money we have. Everything we need, God already knows. If we become financially hindered due to the loss of work, God knows and already has a plan for us. We have to listen and use the knowledge and understanding given to us through the word and through prayer. If we are living for God, we will not go hungry..(it may be peanut butter sandwiches) but we will have food. We will have shelter..and we will have clothes.

    Psalms 37:25

    I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.
  • Doug - In Reply on Matthew 6:29 - 3 years ago
    Food & Rainment. God/Christ only states He will provide food & raiment. Apostle Paul as well ( 1st Timothy 6:8)

    1st Epistle of Peter is written and starts out stating "to the strangers scattered" throughout... Why?

    This is not our world. Jesus states in the Gospel of John 14:3 that He has gone to prepare a place for us and is coming back to receive us to Himself. Again, this is not our home.
  • Andy - In Reply on Matthew 6:29 - 3 years ago
    Jesus says that we will live in Heaven if we gladly get executed for him.

    . . . Does that mean that we actually have to get persecuted?

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