Bible Discussion Thread

  • Jojo on 1 Corinthians 10 - 3 years ago
    In chapter ten of first Corinthians the references that Paul made about the cloud, what does the cloud signify ?
  • Chris - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 10 - 3 years ago
    Paul was referring back to the old days when the children of Israel had left the bondage that they were in at Egypt, and were being led of God from Egypt towards the Promised Land, Canaan. God ministered to them in many ways, including supplying food & water as well. However, God used a (very large) cloud to guide Moses & the people by day & a pillar of fire by night: Exodus 13:21,22.

    And when Israel stopped to rest & set up camp, that cloud from God went behind them & near the pursuing Egyptians, so that Israel had light, while this great cloud covered the sun & gave darkness to the pursuing Egyptians, so that they too had to stop since they couldn't see where they were going: Exodus 14:19,20. In this way, God maintained a separation between Israel & her enemies, thus keeping her safe.

    So the point that Paul was making here, was that how wonderfully God had taken care of His people during those difficult days (40 years) of trekking through the desert because of their murmuring & disobedience to God, so the Corinthians also should use that event as an example for their own lives. God had dealt severely with Israel for their sins & so we too should be careful in our Christian walk & live carefully before God, lest He discipline us according to our waywardness & sins. The Corinthian Christians were living amongst an idolatrous people & were being tempted to live by their standards (even as it is today with us), but Paul's warning to them was to beware of living like this & learn from the serious example that the Israelites in their wanderings, had set for them.
  • Jojo - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 10 - 3 years ago
    Thank-you, Chris

    1 Corinthians 10

    For the clarification regarding the cloud of God guiding the Israelites into the promise land by day, and bringing fire by night. To show his people his greatness and his everlasting Love and Protection.

    God Bless you and Merry Christmas

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