Bible Discussion Thread

  • Bailey Cox on Letter of Jeremiah 1:12 - 3 years ago
    So if these r originals why r they not included
  • Lisa Kilpatrick - In Reply on Letter of Jeremiah 1:12 - 3 years ago
    They were removed to control the masses through all religions including precepts. All religions is Evil Kingdom mimicking - Isaiah 24:4-5 In Ephesians 6:12 is another clue.

    Everywhere you turn practically are religion place of images worship with is all abominations - Exodus 20

    The Ten Commandments are not done away by no grace LIARS in those satanic witchcraft places taught that bs to control everyone PSYCHOLOGICALLY to keep people stupid in removing natural COMMON SENSE in questioning everything concernng their lies.

    In the bible Our Creator stated through the prophets these religions fakes ARE NOT ORDAIN BY THEE AT ALL!!!

    Q: Do you know why you hear about religion places being burned globally more frequently from the skies?


    Watch Global News On YouTube & Not Mainstream They Block The Real Truth From The Public Globally.

    Everyone need to aquire the oldest bible they can possibly through greatgrands, great aunts, great uncles, etc. There you will locate precepts.

    The bible is a puzzle due to the deception of adding & removing words since the roman council nicea of 325 AD

    The 2nd stick in Ezekel 37 v16 is the book of Mormn & there are 4 of them. These books with the KJV1611 of Apocrypha joins / explains the puzzle back together for all to get started.

    In Daniel 12:4 Only A Few Were Released 2 Esdras 14:44 explains further that there are way more books & are being expose right now

    Globally those seeking Our Creator - Matt 6:33 & Come Away From Babylon Religions - Rev 18:4-5 we have entered the beginning of the last days & headed into a new era called Age of Aquarius.

    My explaination is THE TRUTH & Only If you Ask for Our Creator Of His Gift Of DISCERNMENT Then Clarity/Removal Of The Veil Will Come To You, The Purity Of Mind,Heart,Spirit.

    In Acts 7, Our Father informs us we are the only TEMPLE Our Creator Resides or Ever Needed.
  • Darren Croft - In Reply on Letter of Jeremiah 1:12 - 3 years ago

    If God wrote a "tell all book" revealing every mystery, it would draw the same response as the KJV. The majority of people would go their own way, and the minority would seek the Lord with all their heart.

    Isaiah 24:4-5 Describes the conditions of the earth after the beast has taken Babylon, and 3 nations of his own confederacy. Look further down, it is devastating. Isaiah 24:19-20

    Ephesians 6:12 This is true. We fight against powerful rulers of darkness: Governments, Bavarian Illuminati, Freemasons, Jesuits and all of their ghastly traditions.

    The media outlets are owned by 5 Ashkenazi Jews, they are inherently sinister, practice sorceries. They script fake news we live by.

    "The bible is a puzzle due to the deception of adding & removing words since the roman council nicea of 325 AD" You have to carefully read the Bible and use other like scriptures to assess the story. However altered, it's what we got.

    The 2nd stick in Ezekiel 37:16 "Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions: then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions:"

    Depicts both houses of Israel coming together ever since the Salomon split, and in a new heaven, earth. This is after the 1,000 year reign of Christ, because ONLY the house of Israel are resurrected as 1st fruits of Christ. Let the Mormon church use the story.

    Daniel 12:4 The Holy Spirit increases knowledge in conjunction with the time line. 200 years ago you couldn't discern the prophets like we can today. The 5-6-7th trumpets, which are separate from the first four, and made for this generation.

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