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  • The Two Olive Tree on Revelation 11 - 11 years ago
    To Clear everyone’s confusion, The anti-Christ is the United States of America. And I am in America. The two candle Stick is in Africa for now. To let you know, everyone that resides in the United States has Already received the mark of the beast. If I tell you the truth would you believe me? No. Know it that you cannot fight GOD. The Angels of Revelations 10 and 11 came down from heaven about three years ago. Our LORD Jesus Christ came down to give me power, knowledge and wisdom Around September 2011. Two other Angels came down on Sunday 20th October 2012 a week before super storm (hurricane sandy). I have been in and out of prison. I don’t want to continue for now. Remember days of "Noah, and Lot." The Catholic is not the Antichrist. I am a Catholic and the Two Candle stick is Catholic.

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