Bible Discussion Thread

  • ERNEST ISTRE on Hebrews 5 - 3 years ago
    Who was melchisedes....
  • Chris - In Reply on Hebrews 5 - 3 years ago
    Melchizedek was a King of Salem (an old reference to a city that eventually became the position of modern Jerusalem) & a priest. In those early days, gentile kings often had the duty of being a priest as well to their people. Though he was a gentile (a Canaanite) but one of such standing & belief of the True God, that he was not only worthy of mention, but his lack of revealed ancestry, provided a picture of the eternal priesthood of Jesus (to which Hebrews ascribe).

    When you read the Genesis 14 account of Abraham & Melchizedek, we see that this king acknowledged Abraham returning from war & provided him & his men victuals to sustain them. In return, Abraham gave to him tithes (a tenth) of the spoils of war, thereby acknowledging his position & help given & the blessing of God upon him for doing this for God's servant. Ordinarily, such a gentile would not have been given much attention & respect, but Melchizedek was a different character in many ways.

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