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  • Timothy Wayne George on Luke 17:4 - 11 years ago
    The Key is if your brother sins seven times in a day, and returns with a repentant heart, you shall forgive him. Jesus told Peter in Matthew 18 that you are to forgive your brother seventy times seven. To forgive is to cast away, in the depths of the ocean, and don't fish for the sin anymore. Just as when God forgives, He does not remember the sin anymore. Just as if you never sinned. So let all bitterness, wrath, and malice be put away from you. Be ye kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving one another, just as God has forgiven you in Christ Jesus.
  • 2Chrome Eyes - In Reply on Luke 17:4 - 4 years ago
    Does this apply to those who are spiteful, and just say they are sorry, but plan to harm you again?

    Repentance is turning from something; so then a repeated sin, said to be repented from, is then become willful sin. And what, then, is the victim to do? Do we continue to allow these kinds of people to abuse us? Or do we remove ourselves from their paths?

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