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  • Alan on John 1:1 - 11 years ago
    The Word was God, no doubt about it! Consider this in Isaiah 9:6, who is referred to as the everlasting Father? Find out yourself with the Holy's Spirit guidance, also if the New Testament is correct, then does it make Jehovah a liar? Read Isaiah 43:10-11. Jehovah is clearly saying that "before me was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. I even I, am the Lord and beside me there is no saviour"... My question is this, why then did he make (a God) as they say in John 1:1? Did he change his mind? Did he forget that the Word was a God (as they claim), Or was the Word God all along??? You decide. "How long halt ye between two opinions"? To God be the Glory.

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