Bible Discussion Thread

  • Paula roberts on Ezekiel 21 - 3 years ago
    Overturn overturn overturn and will overturn no more .. This is refering to the mistery stone that was overturnd 3 times in its travels from israel to irland to scotland to england. The scots stole the stone from under the coronation seat of Queen elizabeth before she could be crowned upon it and replaced it with a fake . If it had not been stolen it would have been overturned again when queen Elizabeth was crowned, England returned the stone to scotland (fake stone) to get more votes for thatcher , Today the stone ( fake stone ) is on display in scotland , The real hidden stone is also in scotland and awaits the King whos right it is . The stone was Jacobs pillow and travelled with the arc all the way to ireland where the arc containing the tablets moses brought down from the mountain was hidden this is where the stone and the arc became seperated . He who is the righfull king will replace the house of windsor! We await you o lord Amen

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