Bible Discussion Thread

  • Gihuka on Psalms 92 - 3 years ago
    Where did sin come from, if God is sovereign.
  • Rick Mentzer - In Reply on Psalms 92 - 3 years ago
    Sin is disobedience to Gods word first occurrence Adam and eve perpetrator serpent better known as satan.
  • Ronny - In Reply on Psalms 92 - 3 years ago
    In heaven. it originated with lucifer when he rebelled. The Most High casted him down like lightening.
  • Gihuka - In Reply on Psalms 92 - 3 years ago
    Since God is soverign, omnipotent, omniscience, He can resist to let not sin enter into the world. He foreknow before anything begins. Then, why evil? Despite God can let everything was good.
  • Adam - In Reply on Psalms 92 - 3 years ago
    Dear Gihuka,

    Are you a parent? If not, imagine you have kids and you can either force them to say they love you, or give them the choice in what they say. If they chose to say that to you, would you feel that might seem more real, genuine, and better than forcing them into obedience? If you agree, then maybe you understand why God gives us free will. He could have created robots, but he didn't. He loves us enough to let us choose for ourselves, whether we will follow Him or not, whether we will choose good, or evil. Some choose good, but many choose evil. That is one of the realities of our world. Because there is freewill, we will see injustice, suffering, and consequences of people choosing sin. No one gets away with it though.

    We are all imperfect and struggle with this in our own sinful nature, but if we choose to follow Jesus and submit our lives to Him through obedience then our sins are washed clean by grace. God lets satan tempt people too, and our character is being tested while here on Earth. Jesus gave many parables saying how narrow is the way that leads to eternal life in heaven and wide is the gate leading to hell, where most people will go. Imagine if he led just everyone in heaven, then it probably wouldn't be heaven, and if God forced everyone to be robots, then that wouldn't seem authentic. God loves you enough to allow you to choose for yourself.
  • Michael homan - In Reply on Psalms 92 - 3 years ago
    Well said addition to your response n to all

    There is One reason Hell is filled to the brim

    and One reason Heaven has its occupants

    The Gift of Freewill

    But...its only a Gift,when used wisely.

    a curse when not.

    Everyone has the Freewill choice'

    A' is life

    B ' is deth

    If a person does not choose A or B

    then it defaults to B.

    simply because A was not chosen (thru Freewill)

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