Bible Discussion Thread

  • S Spencer On the importance of the understanding of the true vine on Psalms 1 - 3 years ago
    JOHN 15:1 Jesus says I am the "true" vine. When we think of a vine here's what we must consider; The vine sharing a common life source with the branches, The dependency of the branches on that vine, and the fact that the branches bare fruit, that's why they're there. Here is a few other verses using the idiom the vine. Psalms 80:8-9. "Israel called a vine brought out of Egypt". Isaiah 5:1-7. Jeremiah 2:21, "Israel called a degenerate vine". Hosea 10:1, "an empty vine". I believe this meant to contrast Israel mission as the vine, "HOWEVER there mission is not over" but i want to put our focus on the True vine and the difference between the two. Here is what's important and should'nt be overlooked, Israel was able to show the world then and now the Law which was holy even when executed could never change the heart of man. That's what the study of Hebrews is about. Especially Hebrews 10:16, the Lord says; I WILL PUT MY LAWS INTO THEIR HEARTS. This is where the ministry of Holy spirit comes in. without him we can do nothing, you are the branches, examine your fruit. it should be wrapped in Love, not outwardly first but inwardly then expressed outwardly. That's how the Lord is forming his church to shine light on a dark world, including our nation. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. 2 Tim.2:4. and this is the spirit that should reside in you now. it want be born in you later as some say. THANK YOU

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