Bible Discussion Thread

  • Chris Powell on Revelation 11:9 - 3 years ago
    Matthew 24:14 states: And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

    These 2 witness's lie in the streets dead after there testimony for 3 1/2 days. Notice how Revelation 11:9 states "togunes" and "Nations" will witness this?

    We are the first generation that could witness this based off current technologies we have today: Internet, television, phones and other means to watch live events from anywhere in the world.

    This should also make you thinnk of the technology available to implement the Mark of the Beast that will be ushered in around this same timeframe.

    Get ready folks, Jesus is coming! Have you been born again with the spirt of God? If not humble yourself before the Lord and ask for his forgiveness. He loves you and forwarns you of things to come to keep you from the torment of hell.

    We can take 2 paths in this life: straight and narrow to Jesus or wide and broad to hell. Its your choice.

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