Bible Discussion Thread

  • Todd may on Ephesians 5:19 - 3 years ago
    Man had long ago gotten away from the word of God is if the Bible is true why did they leave out the book of enoch and the dead sea scrolls and the forgotten books of Eden
  • Mild Bill - In Reply on Ephesians 5:19 - 3 years ago

    Addition to or slander of God's word has happened since Eden. We only hear from Eve, that Adam and she were not to "touch" the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And Satan suggested that God lied about them dying. I have no doubt that the Holy Spirit moved men to want to canonize(regard as being above reproach or of great significance) the so-called writings of God. God has done the work of preserving a faithful document of his-story, in the KJV. Much in the same way believers are to judge, who is and who is not a prophet of God. Even today, newer translations approach the task with predetermined bias and subtleness of changes, so as to slight the truth of God, not all, but some.

    I am truly thankful the most faithful modern day rendition of God's word is in my native language, despite the archaic form, which I myself enjoy exploring for a deepening of my language knowledge.

    When a person is saved of God, the Holy Spirit indewells them and leads them towards truth. God is always able to communicate with his children, and only his children look for him.
  • Chris - In Reply on Ephesians 5:19 - 3 years ago
    Have you read the Book of Enoch? If so, have you not noticed some major errors within? I cite a few examples:

    7:2: "the human women became pregnant & bare great giants whose height was 3000 ells". Even going by the smaller measurement of 18 inches, this makes the giants 4,500 ft tall.

    19:2: "the women from the angels who went astray shall become sirens". What was a siren? A mythological creature that was half bird & half human.

    10:8: "the whole earth has been corrupted through the works taught by Azazel: to him ascribe all sin". But sin came through Adam, & Azazel who is also referred to as Satan, according to 10:4-6, has been chained up until judgement day. The Bible says different that he is free to roam awaiting that final day of judgement & forever in the Lake of Fire.

    10:20,21: Prior to the Flood, God told Michael the Archangel to "Cleanse the Earth from all godlessness...and all the children of men shall become righteous...and all the Earth shall be cleansed from defilement, from all sin, from all punishment...". Is an angel now the source of our salvation?

    And the list of gross errors are still many. Even considering the authorship of the Book is questionable as is the date of writing. Do you really feel that such a book is worthy of study & inclusion alongside God's Word? Those who canonized the Scriptures we now have, have done well to apply the most stringent scrutiny to the books that comprise the Bible, ensuring that we have the most faithful & reliable Scriptures in our hands. If any serious study is conducted to any of these extra-biblical writings, one can see how far they have detoured from Truth even with the evidence of Truth within their pages. If such gross errors are found in isolation, what must be the condition of the whole.

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