Bible Discussion Thread

  • John W McLeod on Habakkuk 3 - 3 years ago
    am I my brother's my keeper?

    what was answer?
  • Chris - In Reply on Habakkuk 3 - 3 years ago
    Genesis 4:9, I feel is Cain's rhetorical question to the Lord's question as to where Abel was. As such, no answer was given. Cain's question was an attempt to side-track God's probe as to Abel's whereabouts. He knew that God knew the answer, but still wanted to absolve himself of any knowledge of Abel or wrongdoing against him; somewhat like the suspected criminal doing his best to deny even being anywhere near the scene of the crime. One could possibly get away with lies & deception before the law, but who can convince God of our wrongdoing? But for Cain, the evidence was already before God & the punishment was immediate & he had no further recourse or a second hearing.

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