Bible Discussion Thread

  • Nicholas L Langas on 1 Peter 5 - 3 years ago
    I became a born again christian last year and felt gods love and power In my life, but I cannot quit smoking cigarettes and I take an herbal supplement that comes from a plant god created called kratom that grows in asia. the problem is it does alter my way of thinking and I take it every day and I'm beginning to think it's bad. But I do not know how something God created could be bad for me, it's not illegal and it's all natural. Maybe I just don't like the habit because it's expensive. All in all I need prayer to stop using the cigarettes and the kratom my money could go toward much greater things and I feel it would get me closer to God. Thank you all and God bless
  • T - In Reply on 1 Peter 5 - 3 years ago
    Kratom has many uses, such as treating wounds, but as with a lot of things can also be abused or used in the wrong manner. Using a plant that God created for medicinal purposes is one thing. Using that plant to obtain a "high" or the opioid effect is another. There are serious side effects that come with high doses of kratom and especially with long term use. Dependency or addiction may be hard to overcome. The best thing you can do is stop as soon as possible. Change your lifestyle. If you are born again you are repenting of your sins and stumbling blocks. Time to overcome. The feeling of God's presence in your life feels far greater than any high that can be purchased. You can do this!

    Cigarettes, will kill you. Point blank. Use patches to ween your body from the nicotine addiction. Chew gum or use suckers.

    "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

    Pray for the strength to quit and for the strength to overcome the urge or temptation to use again.

    Anytime you feel the urge open your Bible or pray.

    You have the will power.
  • Sacha - In Reply on 1 Peter 5 - 3 years ago
    Nicholas L Langas ,hi ,i dont know how old you are or how long you have been smoking for ,im in my mid 50's and i smoked for 25years and gave up when i was 41years old ,it was definately the hardest but one of the very best things i ever did ,my original motivation to stop was financial ,cigarettes are expensive in england ,after only a few days without a cigarette i felt physically better but i was very agitated and stressed ,i didnt use any supliments to help me ,the first two weeks were honestly a nightmare for me and every one around me ! I wasnt an easy person to be around ! After two full weeks i knew i could do it if i really wanted to ,i think this is the key ,you have to REALLY want to stop and be DETERMINED to stop ,if you are not fully commited to stopping you will give in to temptation ,every morning i would say ,"im not going to smoke today ,if i really want one tomorrow i can have one ,but not today " after 3 months i was sane again ,its a hard road but it feels grrreat when you get to the point where you know you wont smoke ever again ,you can do anything with Gods help ,ask Him to help strengthen your resolve and may you never smoke again ,may God bless you .
  • Mild Bill - In Reply on 1 Peter 5 - 3 years ago
    Nicholas L Langas,

    "felt gods love and power In my life"

    As with so many today there is a great attachment to feelings, however, God's love goes well beyond emotion and is a commitment to you. Your commitment to him is a return to him of some of that love. You understand our love for him pales in comparison to his love for us, nevertheless, returning love pleases him in a way that is unique to each person that is in that relationship with him.

    I quit smoking years before becoming saved, and was truely shocked at my first attempt when I had the physical cravings filling my thoughts constantly. I was committed to quitting and indeed over time the cravings were much more manageable, till some time later, that habit died. As a newborn Christian you have need to feed that new person and there is nothing better than God's word. Spend time with God in prayer/discussion and your relationship will grow. A plan for your life is quite simple, feed the new person you've become in Christ and starve the old person of things that draw you away from God. I have learned and you will also, that it is indeed true that " Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." 1Corinthians 2:9, an abundant life, and "Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." Psalms 16:11. I hope/expect your desire to get closer to God will extend/last unto evermore, as will happen with all believers.
  • Hugh flores - In Reply on 1 Peter 5 - 3 years ago
    Read the bible Philippians chapter 4 v 6-7 read the book of Acts Anoint your tongue with some anointing oil everyday stop taking the herbal supplement start taking Turmeric Curcumin with ginger powder vitamins or Centrum vitamins in the name of Jesus Christ

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