Bible Discussion Thread

  • Brother Curtis on Leviticus 20 - 3 years ago
    Is masterbation a sin in the kjv Bible some people say it's sin some say it's not a sin

    Sin or not sin
  • Elijah shows after Rev 614 through Rev 612 just before the 6th trumpet - In Reply on Leviticus 20 - 3 years ago
    It's a sin to destroy your seed, and with lust in your heart.

    "Father Guido Sarducci" said it costs 25 cents each time, so be careful cause they add up. 25, 25, 25...
  • Adam - In Reply on Leviticus 20 - 3 years ago
    I disagree. No where in the Bible does it say that 'destroying seed' is a sin. People commonly cite 1 scripture in Genesis 38:8-10 as support, but assume it means something other than what it says. God likely gave Onan a command to get Tamar pregnant and further the family line and when Onan disobeyed God (sin), He took his life. The sin was not obeying God's specific command to him, not the spilling of seed.

    If someone assumed spilling seed was a sin, then 100% of all men would be guilty of this whether intentional or not, and the same argument could be made for 100% of women too. Consider nocternal emissions which are uncontrollable- if what you claimed was true, you're claiming that a natural bodily function that God created is sin. So, you'd be accusing God of making bodies that automatically sin- that makes no sense. Why would God create something to commit sin against Himself? Also, you'd also be claim that any married couple who uses birth control or protection of any kind is a sin worthy of death. Are you guilty of this and do you deserve to die for your sin? Also, women naturally flush their eggs monthly- so is that also a form of spilling 'seed' as you interpret the scripture. God designed the body to naturally function that way, so you're claiming that either God's perfect design is actually flawed, or you're claiming that God wanted bodies to automatically sin against Him. Neither makes sense.

    Or is it possible you might have misinterpreted the scripture? That maybe Onan actually sinned because he disobeyed God for not getting Tamar pregnant? And that maybe it doesn't mean that 100% of all other people at 100% of the time are automatically sinning if they spill seed?

    I think the answer is clear, but do pray about it.

    Any form of lust is evil and a sin. I think that's a given. God bless.
  • Elijah shows after Rev 614 through Rev 612 just before the 6th trumpet - In Reply on Leviticus 20 - 3 years ago
    If the wanker is behaving like Caligula, while entertaining impure thoughts of coitus with his married neighbor----his imagination is sinful, is it not? You are correct for our society, but perhaps not some thousands of years ago.

    In Noah's time there were 900 year old giants roaming around. They lived long lives to populate the earth, until the time of Moses when the life span was cut to 120. So, I'm sure this group of procreating flood survivors would not take any tossing away of seeds lightly, and therefore might consider a wank a sin. It's really the secondary charge, the sin of lust that exposes the wanker. This is the basis for Gen 38:8-10.

    Of Biblical law: if you think of adultery, you are guilty of adultery (to include perversions).

    As far as where the seeds should go, and where they shouldn't go, please see Matthew 13:3-8 & 18-23. There is subtle symbolism, enough to say that God doesn't like errant seeds.
  • Lindascooks - In Reply on Leviticus 20 - 3 years ago
    In the Bible a man lost his life for spilling his seed on the ground. God doesn't always tell man why he commands certain things from however he did say "I am the LORD, and I change not. I believe that those things which he wishes to change with mankind he states so.

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