Bible Discussion Thread

  • Paula King on John 17:17 - 3 years ago
    Who was speaking in John 17?
  • Marilyn S - In Reply on John 17:17 - 3 years ago
    John 17 is the prayer that Jesus Christ spoke shortly before His arrest and crucifixion around 2000 years ago. How do I know? Because in verse 17:1 it states, "These words spake Jesus and lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said Father, the hour is come, glorify thy Son that thy Son also may glorify Thee." So Jesus, the core or central figure in Christianity is the one who is speaking in John 17 and while Jesus is his name in English we call Him Jesus Christ because the term "Christ" means "anointed" or "anointed one".

    In Matthew 16:15-17 Jesus confirms He is the Christ, the Son of the living God.

    If you were wondering more specifically about John 17:17 "Sanctify them through thy truth..." then Jesus Christ is still the answer for as it says in John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me:" So He was saying sanctify them through the truth (through Me) for I am the truth.

    I hope this helps.

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