Bible Discussion Thread

  • Rick Colombe on Psalms 46 - 3 years ago
    Well said Bob Grove in your pre-trib rapture comment. The pre-tribulation rapture theory was introduced in the 1830's by John Nelson Darby who was considered be the father of Dispensationalism and Futurism. The pre-tribulation rapture theory is not scriptural no matter how a person attempts to "sell" this theory. Jesus said in Matthew 24:13, "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved". But don't stop there, because one needs to read verses 10 thru 16 and beyond in order to read it in context. Let God be true and every man a liar.
  • SkipVought - In Reply on Psalms 46 - 3 years ago

    Eschatology has certainly divided many Christians. It shouldn't, but some hell fire, and brimstone preachers have elevated these secondary doctrines, issues of separation that I believe have harmed the Body of Christ. I'd like to proceed...

    "In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity."

    I happen to look at The Scriptures using a historical grammatical method of interpretation, agreeing that there are various genres of literature, historic, prophetic, poetic, apocalyptic and there are figures of speech that should not be taken literally but certainly refer to something literal.

    One of the main things that come out of this kind of an approach to Scripture is that the church, that is The Body if Christ, and Israel are meant to be two separate entities. For instance, God gave Abraham a promise that included a land: the land if Canaan, The Promised Land. Israel eventually got part of that promise. I continue.

    But they disobeyed and were taken out of the land in 606 BC for 70 years. Daniel, in Babylonian exile, was praying about that 70 years, when he got a message via Gabriel in Dan 9:20. Talks about 70 Sevens. After 69 Sevens Messiah is cut off. Leaves one Seven remaining.

    One more Seven, a seven year period, is left for Israel. Israel was set aside after the 69 Sevens when they rejected their Messiah. It is now the time if the Gentiles.

    "For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in." Rom 11:25

    This last Seven, is directed at Israel, when God will soften their hears and open their eyes. It will be a time of God's Righteous Wrath and the church will be removed and delivered from the wrath to come. [ 1 Thessalonians 5].

    Matthew 24 is Jesus' message to Israel, not the church.
  • Richard - In Reply on Psalms 46 - 3 years ago
    The tribulation and the wrath of God are two completely different events, the tribulation is what the world does to us, the wrath is what God does to the world after were gone, Rev. 6 trib. & rev. 8 begins the wrath!
  • Charles R Peek - In Reply on Psalms 46 - 3 years ago
    That's true, if you are unsaved, you will have to endure unto the End of the Great Tribulation, to be delivered. see Joel 2:32
  • Richard - In Reply on Psalms 46 - 3 years ago
    Indoctrination is a strong bond, it always amazes me how many Christians wont even listen to you when you show them scripture after scripture proving a post trib. rapture, you would think the central focus of being a searching Christian would be to learn what God says, not what some man or woman told you! If I only had one piece of advice I could impart to a new Christian it would be "dont believe what any man, woman, preacher etc tells you unless you can clearly verify it in the King James Bible!
  • Charles R Peek - In Reply on Psalms 46 - 3 years ago
    Proving to who? certainly not the people you are talking to.
  • Richard - In Reply on Psalms 46 - 3 years ago
    Unless of course, it applies, if it don't apply, why have concern?
  • Richard - In Reply on Psalms 46 - 3 years ago
    I was referring to the general "Christian" population, not anyone particular on this web site!

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