Bible Discussion Thread

  • Steve Taplin on Acts 3 - 3 years ago
    Hello all,

    Question: Are the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the New Testament written by divinity or are they simply written from recollection by the disciples from their experiences with Jesus?
  • Harmony of the Gospel Books More - In Reply on Acts 3 - 3 years ago
    I think that's why some Bibles call the Gospels, the Harmony of the Gospels.

    Twelve disciples witnessed the same events, but some differ because of age, occupations they had been in, experiences. The Books were written at different times. Yet, they harmonize with each other. Amazing!

    Jesus knew Judas would betray Him. There is a prophesy in Psalms that was fulfilled when Judas did it.

    You can Google up charts of all the prophesies in the Old Testament, and on the New Testament; that Jesus would fulfill in his life. The odds of that happening is more than all the stars in our universe! One life achieved all of that. How anyone can deny that, is without an excuse on the day of Judgment.

    The charts show the prophesy scriptures, and on the same line, the scripture where Jesus fulfilled it.

    You'll want to save those in your bookmarks or read list on your Google page.


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