Bible Discussion Thread

  • Clara on 1 Chronicles 24 - 3 years ago
    Did Abraham bless his Son's according to the signs of the zodiac or was it according to their character? My husband says it was according to the zodiac I disagree.
  • Sacha - In Reply on 1 Chronicles 24 - 3 years ago
    Hi Clara ,Abraham did not ever have anything to do with astrology ,if your husband keeps insisting about this then i would ask him to prove it and show you where it says this in the Bible ,if he is able to do this please come back on here and tell us which book and chapter and verse your husband thinks indicates this ,i would love to know why he thinks this ,thankyou and him and may God bless you both .
  • Clara - In Reply on 1 Chronicles 24 - 3 years ago
    According to him it's in the 49th chap. of Genesis. I do not accept this because his blessing was according to their character. I think he bases it on the fact of the word Judah bases because Judah is referred to as a Lion.
  • Chris - In Reply on 1 Chronicles 24 - 3 years ago
    Hi Clara,

    From just a simple reading of Genesis chapter 49, it would be difficult to formulate an association of Jacob's twelve sons with the twelve signs of the zodiac. I wonder whether your husband has been influenced by some extra-biblical readings, such as by Thomas Mann and his book, "Joseph and his brothers" written over 17 years (1926-1943). In that book, Mann certainly uses the biblical account of Genesis but adds much more to his book that is clearly unbiblical & taken from other writings or his own imaginations. Or, your husband may have read from other publications to form his view.

    As "All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God" ( 2 Timothy 3:16), Jacob could well have given his blessings/prophecy on his sons based on their character & life's propensities, but certainly inspired by God to reveal much more than Jacob would have known. And knowing what an important part the 12 Tribes have played in the history of Israel, it seems clear that those blessings were ordained of God & not as a result of Jacob's consultation with the stars.
  • Clara - In Reply on 1 Chronicles 24 - 3 years ago
    It's possible because when he was young he was an avid reader. I know in my heart that God inspired Abraham when he was blessings his Son's.

    Thank You

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