Bible Discussion Thread

  • Sacha on Mark 3 - 3 years ago
    Hi everyone ,apart from Mark ch13 v 32 which clearly states or rather Jesus himself states ,that God knows something that Jesus doesnt ,i will appeal to all of you out there who belive that Jesus is God one final time ,this is not a rhetorical question ,please can at least one person try to answer this for me ,what is Genesis ch22 all about ? Why is it there for us to read ? Tell me please all your thoughts (based on scripture) ,regarding this chapter .Thankyou ,if this and Mark ch13 v32 dont make you rethink the matter i shall be silent on this subject no matter how much it burns me to be quiet about it .
  • Richard in Christ - In Reply on Mark 3 - 3 years ago
    Hello Sacha,

    I would like to reply to your question. So going back to Genesis 22 is the story of Abraham offering up his son Isaac. Which I believe is stated to be a test of faith from God to Abraham. Hebrews 11:7, James 2:21-23. To see how deep his faith truly was. Not just faith but faith by works.

    As this topic has come up before I will share my beliefs with some Scripture to it. As another stated also, I do not say Jesus Christ is God the Father. I believe as God is eternal that instead of Him being alone why not have a Son whom is perfect in every aspect just as He is. To be in Him and with Him always in His heart and in His bosom John 1:18 for companionship (that actually just came to me today as I was standing outside praising the Lord).

    I usually state Jesus Christ as Lord along with thirty other names I know by heart that I call Him while in prayer. I do not call Him God personally. Although He is one with God and I believe He is the Word of God(as it states in Revelation 19:13. Also some titles the Father and Son share are Lord of lords, Alpha and Omega, Savior. As in the OT, using only one verse as there are many, that there is no Saviour but the LORD. Isaiah 43:11. Through out the NT God and Jesus Christ are both stated as our Saviour. Just some Titus 1:3, Titus 1:4, Titus 3:4, Titus 3:6.

    So as you have your own beliefs, and just as well I have mine, I will stop here as I don't want to quarrel or argue any more about this. I believe Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God is eternal just as the Father and has always been with the Father. Yes His physical life came to this earth being born of Mary. As He had to suffer death for us as a perfect sacrifice or offering for our sins. Which is very honorable and why the Father honors Him higher than any other being. Even the highest Holy angels. Hebrews 1:4.

    And about Him being at the Fathers right hand Steven saw this before He was stoned in Acts 7:55-56. So it's not just a metaphor. God Bless
  • Sacha - In Reply on Mark 3 - 3 years ago
    Hi Richard in Christ ,thankyou for your time and energy towards me ,i never said that Stevens vision at his stoning was a metaphor ,i dont believe that it was ,you and i agree on mamy things ,i dont ever really argue with anyone ,not even my husband ! I will state my case and i wouldnt state it so...what word should i use ? Noisily ? Agressively ? Anyway i wouldnt state it if i didnt really believe it ,im not a person who is afraid to say 'i dont know ' if i dont know i will say so and if i really believe something i cant pretend not to ,i feel it would be deceitful of me not to state my beliefs and allow people to assume that i believe the same as they do if i dont and i want to be honest , i certainly dont think any less of anyone who doesnt agree with me ,most of my family are atheists and i still love and respect them as human beings so im still going to love and respect other Christians as i know i should.
  • Richard in Christ - In Reply on Mark 3 - 3 years ago
    Hi Sacha,

    That last sentence I wrote was just to put it out there. I know you did not say anything about that. It was for someone else who said "God doesn't have hands". I apologize that it came out like that.

    Also me stating that I didn't want to "argue" about this topic anymore was not that you and I are arguing. You seem kind in your posts and why I wanted to reply to you.

    About Abraham offering up his son to be a kind of parallel to the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ I understand. As of coarse it is not exactly the same but numerous parallels. As with others previously someone was interested in parallels to Jesus Christ being dead three days. Some parallels are with Abraham Genesis 22:4, Jonah being in the whales belly Jonah 1:17, Israel being raised on the third day Hosea 6:1-2, David not eat/drink for 3 days & nights (1 Samual 30:12.

    The Holy Bible is the living Word of God. There are many, many, things deeper that we can plainly see. Although all we need is right in front of us.

    So to reply to the other post you made. About not believing in the devil, not believing in "hell", or you not believing any of us are going to Heaven. As I have made this statement to another on this page. The things I have experienced, in less than two years, most people of this world would not believe. Because they are not of this physical world.

    I don't want to get into a discussion about those things you stated as they are just your beliefs. I will not waste my energy going back and forth with anyone on those things. The thing that saddens me the most is you stating "you don't think any of us are going to Heaven". How can you state something like that? So you do not believe the Scriptures and the teachings therein? So it seems?

    All I can say is pray to Jesus Christ to set you free and lead you to the truth. Pour your heart out to Him.

    Thank you for your time and please do not take anything I wrote as harsh. It was only meant to try and help.

    God Bless.

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