Bible Discussion Thread

  • Annissa on Ecclesiasticus 8 - 3 years ago
    I'm 53 and my life is a mess, my son is in prison and my marriage is fell apart when I took him in everytime he showed up.he hasn't worked I 5 years but 3 months .my son is a addict and every day he calls wanting money .I'm at my end my dad is blind lord please heal his eyes. Heal my son and daughters broken hearts and heal my mom . Take her anger and being hurt by others away.for my aunt who lost her son,and now her husband of 53 . Pray for my husband and my addictions pray for my marriage and the deceit and lies and excuses why. Pray for my grand kids who think they are gay 14 and 13 beautiful children but bullied at school because they are different and in the meaning of different they all 6 are my heart I claim payton ,allie,jon,Oakley, gage and Anna Clair. My uncle died this past Tuesday and it has so upset me .I prayed for God not to let him suffer and he didn't. Ty lord .now I pray you let my children and grandkids now they have been given to God I have lupus and several mental health issues .my son in ADOC and because a clerk made a mistake now I've got to pay for it I'm disabled nurse my husband is addicted to porn ,alcohol, pills and ice I see o want put of this trap I feel I'm caught in .I did it myself lord please forgive me and lord once and for all led me with him or without I'm not strong enough to do it alone .I'm scared i want h as very enough to make it on my own i feel like my life is at its end how i wish I could go to sleep and awaken in a different place .I'm a addict to. But my husband was affectionate at times in our marriage but he isn't now getting watches porn before and then wants to have sex with me. I feel hopeless ,worthless and ALONE .my son is served 10 months on a charge that isn't his I need him home away from all the drugs that he'soxked up with for all of the mistakes in his case to come to light nobody hears me .
  • It39s never too late to Set Your House in Order - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 8 - 3 years ago
    Satan is a "god" of CHAOS. Whatever he finds that is in order, he tears at it until it's in sin and disarray. That is his FRUIT. He has many! Get to know all of them. That's how we know he's trying to set our homes, work, friendships, etc, in Chaos. Time to pray and get Church members to pray with us, if need be.

    Let's be sensitive to order vs chaos. It's a pattern for success or, chaos. Titus learned that traveling with Paul: as did the Disciples that traveled with Jesus.

    Job had a great life until Chaos showed up on the scene. Job had to resist blaming God for it. He learned the blessing of trusting God, despite the mess around him and "friends" that ACCUSED him of some secret sin.

    Accuser, is another name of Satan. We all need to pay attention to the signs of his presence. Stay in the Bible and even READ IT OUT LOUD. He doesn't want to hear it. Praise, and sing Jesus Loves Me if that's all you can think of, in the "battle."

    When Jesus was facing a battle, He got away from the crowd and Prayed. Always. That's our Example.

    In the Book of Job, satan was around taking notes on Jobs weak areas. Job sacrificed & made offerings for his partying children. So Satan attacked Job, through his FAMILY first. He wiped out everything Job had with storms (tornadoes?). Except the nagging wife.

    When we see CHAOS in our lives, it is solid evidence that satan is involved. Know who your enemy is. Don't lose your faith and trust in God.

    Go on YouTube, type in Spiritual Warfare sermons, and get informed. Try some by Derek Prince or Charles Capps. Don't collapse in a heap yet. Learn how to fight back; in the power of Jesus name, and by the shed blood of Jesus. Ephesians 6. Demons are invisible, but we see the CHAOS of their presence. Fight and don't back down. We are victors, not victims.

    Set your house in order. Don't worry about what anyone thinks. Let them see you at the kitchen table with an open Bible. Pray psalms out loud. Don't be a doormat.
  • Sacha - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 8 - 3 years ago
    Dear Annissa ,i am so sorry for you ,you broke my heart with your post ,please please please dont give up ,God is right there with you ,He will not leave you i promise ,pray to Him ever day , try to find 5 mins to read the Bible every day , i know when this life gets me down i go straight to the Psalms or to Isaiah ,please know that im sure every one who reads your post will keep you in their hearts and prayers and please be SURE ,YOU ARE NOT ALONE ,God knows your pain ,lean on Him and His Son ,they will get you through this ,you may have to be patient but be sure better days will come ,trust in His love for you ,He wont let you down ,may God bless you and all yours and may He keep you all safe and well and very close to Him .
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 8 - 3 years ago
    Hi Annisas

    I will be praying for you and your family.
  • Adam - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 8 - 3 years ago
    Dear Annisas, I prayed for your family. Hang in there. God hears your prayers. God bless you.

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