Bible Discussion Thread

  • Eric Lopez on 2 Chronicles 10 - 3 years ago
    I don't get it. We already read this. I haven't heard nothing new. Why does the bible repeat this in Chronicles?
  • Chris - In Reply on 2 Chronicles 10 - 3 years ago
    Hi Eric. You have observed correctly: these Books of the Chronicles repeat a lot from the Books of Samuel & Kings. 1 & 2 Chronicles were originally a single Book (until 180 BC, I'm told) & Chronicles means, "the affairs of the days", i.e. retracing the history from Adam to the Babylonian captivity & then to Cyrus' decree to allow the Jews to return to their homeland. So, it is like a 'miniature abridged Old Testament'.

    Ezra is generally considered as the writer of these Books & no doubt uses the other books (& some other sources) to put these Chronicles together. Since it was Ezra who led a group of the exiles back to Palestine in 458 BC, he was concerned about building a true spiritual foundation for the people. So he compiled these books which emphasized the importance of racial & religious purity, the proper place of the Law, the Temple, & the priesthood. So, you'll notice that some detailed activities of the kings & prophets are missing (since you've already read through the Books of the Kings), but stresses instead the rich heritage & blessings that the people have in their covenant relationship to God.

    You're doing great, Eric - keep up the good work, digesting as much as you can of God's Holy Word.

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