Bible Discussion Thread

  • Sally on 1 Corinthians 13 - 3 years ago
    read every day 1 Cor 13

    since the greatest commandment and the second commandment is telling us to love.
  • Lauren - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 13 - 3 years ago
    Thank you for leading me to this passage again. Lately I had been looking at myself too much, sad that I have seemed

    to accomplish so little for the Lord, I am no great evangelist, not even a good one, I live a very ordinary life, nothing

    really spiritual or religious at all about it. I have a job that pays very little comparatively speaking, but I love it, I work

    with kids in the public school, help them get through "the system." Last year I had the opportunity to teach, but it proved too much for me. I went back to being a helper. But so often, I wish I could be a better witness

    for Christ...... The discrepancy inside me breaks my heart in two sometimes, how strong is his love inside, but how little I have to show for it. Then I read 1 Corinthians 13, and am reminded, it is not about all that I DO for God, it is about His love abiding in my heart, just being with Him, and loving him, and being near Him. Wow, that really helped me today. Thank you.
  • Mountain - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 13 - 3 years ago
    Lauren : I don't think that you have anything to worry about . I wish I had a church full of people that had the love in their hearts as you do !
  • Sach - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 13 - 3 years ago
    Lauren ,i think i know exactly what you mean ,He gives us everything ,it some times overwhelms me ,we have nothing to give but our love , thats all He wants from us ,that we love Him enough to trust Him implicitly and do as He asks us out of our love for and faith in Him and the promises He has made to us , we are supposed to be meek but i know i sometimes burn inside and long to shout at the top of my voice to people "read the Bible ! God loves you ! Jesus is coming " the best we can do is to lead the kind of life we know He wants us to and be patient ,if we get the chance to help some one thats great but if we dont we dont ,we all have different abilities ,i have always felt that we are like the Levites in a way ,no inheritance in this world .Isaih ch66 v2 ,Num ch18 v20 ,Deut ch18 v2 ,Rev ch1 v6.

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