Considering how people speak to each other these days, I find this discussion on the word 'hello' a bit tedious.
Give NO PLACE to the devil.
In Texas we say Hi, Hey, Howdy, Hola, Nice to see you, Long time no see, Dude, Dudette, and numerous others.
I was saved out of the Occult. Satan loves for people to give him any kind of credence or glory. Isaiah 14:11 says that Satan is wormy. I saw a vision of hell. You don't want to see that! It's the definition of Terror; it is eternity of Waiting for the final Judgment and being cast into HELL.
Keep your eyes on Jesus and don't give "place" to Satan. If you think Halloween is a national holiday, you are deceived. If you have that stuff stored in your garage.. it's an open door for demons to make themselves at home.
If you're a Christian and you don't read your Bible; don't have a working knowledge of scripture, or are unable to memorize any scripture: demons can just walk into your house and torment you at your weakest points of entry.
Furnish YOU (your house) with deep layers of scripture. Ephesians 6. That's your SWORD!!
It's 2 edged. It cuts up the devils going in and coming out. It dispatches them to outer darkness IF you speak it? Believe me, "go on and quit picking on me", isn't going to get the demons out of your life.
Tearing apart a word like hello is not useful. Try ripping the head off a demon with a well placed "IT IS WRITTEN" (add a scripture).
They should run for the hills every time the feet of a child of God hits the floor each morning.
We have Jesus's AUTHORITY and Power to make them leave. Learn spiritual warfare. Parents Protect your kids.
That dusty Bible is the Sword of the Spirit. It's more lethal than any weapon available. To you gamers...spiritual warfare is the Real game of Thrones. Don't be deceived.
Has anyone ever done a Word study on the names of satan? Liar, Deceiver, Murderer, Adversary, Accuser, Serpent. Wicked One, Tempter, Afflictor
God tell us not to be conform to the ways of the carnal world!
Just because the people in the world speak a certain way doesn't, make it right!
"Therefore come out from their midst and be separate, says the Lord, and touch nothing unclean, and I will receive you." 2 Corinthians 6:17
Romans 13:8
You give more glory to The Lord, Jesus Christ, when you greet people with "LoveO". God Is LOVE.
Faith worketh by Love." Galatians 5:6
The powerful armor God works by Love. Love never fails!
Ephesians 6:11-17
11. "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes."
12. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
13. "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand."
14. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place"
15. "And with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the Gospel of Peace."
16. "In addition to all this, take up the Shield of Faith, with this you are able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one."
17. "Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is The Word of God.
Just to put in my perception of this issue you brought up. If you want to greet people with a new word thinking it is going to do something better feel free. Do you really feel that shows more love to others? Though in my eyes it really does nothing.
Are we not to love in deed and in truth from the heart? Not just from the mouth in where saying "I love you" to someone so much may become empty. It may become just as empty faith. What matters is if you are showing your love to that person in life in deeds/kindness etc. Not just words. Isaiah 29:13, James 2:14-18.
We must come to the realization that the entire English language was put together by "pagan" people. There are many, many, words that may have some meaning to them. Though to us it is just a word in our language.
Truly I would not give so much thought to using the word "hello". As I saw you said people should change their names if it has "hel" in it? How can you stop there? What about the word "help"? A new word for that too? You might as well make a whole new language. If that makes you feel good have fun. Please don't think using certain normal words in a kind way does anything wrong.
Thinking that way would just be going down a rabbit hole with no end. Focus more on the Word of God and doing the will of our Father in Heaven.
We as true Christians have the Love of The Spirit of Christ in us, so even if we say "Hello" all day long, we still have that Spirit of Love within us to show love and be love.
However, the sinners, the people of "the carnal world" are not like that.
They do not have "The Holy Spirit of Love" in them, so by default they follow the deceitful desires of their carnal mind, and with little or not resistance.
All the good things that carnal men and women do in the world is because of The Holy Spirit compelling them in certain areas to do good.
So, for carnal men and women to accept a new greeting like "LoveO" as a default greeting, this certainly over time can also use that to help change their mindset and way of thinking so they show more love and less hell!
Also a far as names go, "hel" is NOT the "Hell".
I personally know of a Christian Pastor who when he was very young and also throughout out his adult life, his mother use to tell him that he had "rusty bones". He offered absolutely no spirtual resistance to those negative words his mother spoke over him for more than 40 years.
So guess what happened to him? Before he was even 60 years old, he had to get surgery for both of his knee caps replaced. Why? You guessed it!....because of "rusty bones". The cartilage thinned on his bones out and over time the wear and tear caused his knee caps to became unusable.
So, anytime you can speak words of healing, love, and life into the mix of your everyday life, and over someone else, do it, because it is the right thing to do it, and it benefits both the sinners and the saints.
In all kindness. Like stated if you think that shall do better please do it.
So even though "hel" and "hell" sound exactly the same when you say them now it's down to how you spell the word? Not how it sounds? As stated this to me would be going down a rabbit hole.
About the story of the "rusty bones" do you think the mother was putting some curse on the child or something by saying that? My father used to tell me eating the crust of bread would give me curly hair. Obviously not true. To think that mans knee problem had anything to do with what his mother told him is pretty much a long shot. I'd probably start asking about the mans life. I know many people who have bad knees and are still in their thirties. Along with older who have had knee replacements. It's not because of what their parents told them either.
One thing I was thinking about sharing with you was my grandmother. I used to always wonder why she never replied back to me after I told her I loved her. Though I cannot imagine having a more loving, precious, grandmother than her whom I was blessed to have. She did not have to say she loved me every time I saw her. I truly don't have one memory of her where she did not have a smile on her face and was so loving and caring toward me. She was such a good person and I know she is at peace with God now. She probably knew that saying "I love you" too much would get old and she didn't need to say it. I know she loved me dearly by who she was. Not her saying it.
As I will not use the word you don't like here anymore only for you. Not that it will do any difference though like I stated I am only thinking of you.
And maybe to make you feel better know that when I say "that word you don't like"(which I still use as there is no wrong to it) it sounds like "hallo" with smiles.
Showing our love toward one another in deeds in life is very much more important than just words. 1 John 3:18.
I will write to you a little later. One preacher who speaks well on the Authority of Jesus is Charles Capps, can be viewed on YouTube. I still watch them.
Blessings on you. Ask the Holy Spirit to anoint you and teach you.
Oh yes, Go first to the Holy Spirit and the Scripture ..... the Mind of the Spirit no rust our God is a consuming FIRE I also like Charles Capps. Thank you Mishael, I appreciate all that you share.
II Cor:3-6 "Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life."
I agree that the words we choose have ramifications and have meaning.
However, I disagree that hell has anything to do with someone greeting another. I think this only gives credit and a sense of power to satan. Just because a word in a language has a few shared characters of a word that is negative, that doesn't mean any of the negativity rubs off on the other word. Otherwise, if your mom's name was Hellen or Helena, for example, would you disown or say bad things about her? I don't think that's loving one bit. There's names in the Bible that have those characters, but it doesn't mean anything bad about the person, like Ezra 10:35 has one: Chelluh.
A word being 'bad' also has much to do with the context and intent behind it. For example "Jesus" can be used as an uplifting name to be praised, or used as a curse word. Jesus said the word hell several times, are you suggesting that Jesus was wrong to say that word? He used it positively so that people can avoid hell. Matthew 10:28
You used the word hell too in your comment, so do you feel remorse from this? I see zero spiritual connection and disagree. Satan should not be given any more latitude than he already has. He doesn't own my words and I won't allow evil to take over exclusive use of our positive words. God bless.
To clarify, I am saying, you can use the word hell anytime you want, but that it is spiritually much better for people to greet other people with, LoveO, instead of HellO!
Subconsciously and spirituality over time it is better for both the sinners and the saints!!
I certainly do like people saying to me "LoveO",
Reminding me that I owe love to people.
If for the pass 200+ years, the sinners and the saints were greeting each other with "LoveO", instead of HellO, there would be a lot less 'hell' in the world today!
Also, if someone's name is Hellen, or some other word that has some negative overtones to it, then they can change their name to something more positive, if they want to! God changes peoples names all the time!!
Look at Abram!
God changed Abram's name to Abraham, and then God changed Abraham's wife's name from "Sarai," meaning "my princess," to "Sarah," meaning "mother of nations". Genesis 17:5 and Genesis 17:15
God changes names of people for spiritual reasons all the time!
God The Father even gives Christ a "new name", and this is for "spiritual" reasons first.
Revelation 3:12
"He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will not go out from it anymore; and I will write on him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God, and My new name."
The words we speak change our spiritual way of thinking.
People all over the world greet each other, saying, Hello!
Look at this word "Hello", again now from a spiritual perspective! "Hell-O", "Hell-Owe"!
HELLO, sounds same as HELL-Owe. Spiritual there is a connection, and here is proof:
Sometimes in thw world, carnal men and women tell each other, "They got hell to pay"! They are saying "owe"hell...Hello, Hell-Owe.
We as God's children should not use the word "HellO" as a greeting anymore!
The Lord, Jesus Christ tells us in Romans 13:8 that, "The only thing man should 'owe', is Love."
"Owe no man any thing, except to love, for he who loves the other is satisfying theLaw." Romans 13:8
We as God's spiritual children should use "Love-Owe" as our new greeting, because the only thing man should owe is Love!
Give NO PLACE to the devil.
In Texas we say Hi, Hey, Howdy, Hola, Nice to see you, Long time no see, Dude, Dudette, and numerous others.
I was saved out of the Occult. Satan loves for people to give him any kind of credence or glory. Isaiah 14:11 says that Satan is wormy. I saw a vision of hell. You don't want to see that! It's the definition of Terror; it is eternity of Waiting for the final Judgment and being cast into HELL.
Keep your eyes on Jesus and don't give "place" to Satan. If you think Halloween is a national holiday, you are deceived. If you have that stuff stored in your garage.. it's an open door for demons to make themselves at home.
If you're a Christian and you don't read your Bible; don't have a working knowledge of scripture, or are unable to memorize any scripture: demons can just walk into your house and torment you at your weakest points of entry.
Furnish YOU (your house) with deep layers of scripture. Ephesians 6. That's your SWORD!!
It's 2 edged. It cuts up the devils going in and coming out. It dispatches them to outer darkness IF you speak it? Believe me, "go on and quit picking on me", isn't going to get the demons out of your life.
Tearing apart a word like hello is not useful. Try ripping the head off a demon with a well placed "IT IS WRITTEN" (add a scripture).
They should run for the hills every time the feet of a child of God hits the floor each morning.
We have Jesus's AUTHORITY and Power to make them leave. Learn spiritual warfare. Parents Protect your kids.
That dusty Bible is the Sword of the Spirit. It's more lethal than any weapon available. To you gamers...spiritual warfare is the Real game of Thrones. Don't be deceived.
Has anyone ever done a Word study on the names of satan? Liar, Deceiver, Murderer, Adversary, Accuser, Serpent. Wicked One, Tempter, Afflictor
Thanks for your comments!
God tell us not to be conform to the ways of the carnal world!
Just because the people in the world speak a certain way doesn't, make it right!
"Therefore come out from their midst and be separate, says the Lord, and touch nothing unclean, and I will receive you." 2 Corinthians 6:17
Romans 13:8
You give more glory to The Lord, Jesus Christ, when you greet people with "LoveO". God Is LOVE.
Faith worketh by Love." Galatians 5:6
The powerful armor God works by Love. Love never fails!
Ephesians 6:11-17
11. "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes."
12. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
13. "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand."
14. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place"
15. "And with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the Gospel of Peace."
16. "In addition to all this, take up the Shield of Faith, with this you are able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one."
17. "Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is The Word of God.
You are so right. God is Love. By being loving and being kind to others, we represent Jesus the best way possible.
The visible world is where we stand and love others, inside of.
The invisible world must be discerned. We need to be alert. Good, evil; angels and demonic are all in the same landscape.
Jesus said he has overcome the world. We are overcomers through His life. And we are wise children, mild as doves; just like Our Savior is.
Peace be upon us. Mishael.
Blessed Mother's Day upon everyone who nurtures a child in their life.
Just to put in my perception of this issue you brought up. If you want to greet people with a new word thinking it is going to do something better feel free. Do you really feel that shows more love to others? Though in my eyes it really does nothing.
Are we not to love in deed and in truth from the heart? Not just from the mouth in where saying "I love you" to someone so much may become empty. It may become just as empty faith. What matters is if you are showing your love to that person in life in deeds/kindness etc. Not just words. Isaiah 29:13, James 2:14-18.
We must come to the realization that the entire English language was put together by "pagan" people. There are many, many, words that may have some meaning to them. Though to us it is just a word in our language.
Truly I would not give so much thought to using the word "hello". As I saw you said people should change their names if it has "hel" in it? How can you stop there? What about the word "help"? A new word for that too? You might as well make a whole new language. If that makes you feel good have fun. Please don't think using certain normal words in a kind way does anything wrong.
Thinking that way would just be going down a rabbit hole with no end. Focus more on the Word of God and doing the will of our Father in Heaven.
Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life!
God Bless you Sam.
Thanks for you comments!
We as true Christians have the Love of The Spirit of Christ in us, so even if we say "Hello" all day long, we still have that Spirit of Love within us to show love and be love.
However, the sinners, the people of "the carnal world" are not like that.
They do not have "The Holy Spirit of Love" in them, so by default they follow the deceitful desires of their carnal mind, and with little or not resistance.
All the good things that carnal men and women do in the world is because of The Holy Spirit compelling them in certain areas to do good.
So, for carnal men and women to accept a new greeting like "LoveO" as a default greeting, this certainly over time can also use that to help change their mindset and way of thinking so they show more love and less hell!
Also a far as names go, "hel" is NOT the "Hell".
I personally know of a Christian Pastor who when he was very young and also throughout out his adult life, his mother use to tell him that he had "rusty bones". He offered absolutely no spirtual resistance to those negative words his mother spoke over him for more than 40 years.
So guess what happened to him? Before he was even 60 years old, he had to get surgery for both of his knee caps replaced. Why? You guessed it!....because of "rusty bones". The cartilage thinned on his bones out and over time the wear and tear caused his knee caps to became unusable.
So, anytime you can speak words of healing, love, and life into the mix of your everyday life, and over someone else, do it, because it is the right thing to do it, and it benefits both the sinners and the saints.
So even though "hel" and "hell" sound exactly the same when you say them now it's down to how you spell the word? Not how it sounds? As stated this to me would be going down a rabbit hole.
About the story of the "rusty bones" do you think the mother was putting some curse on the child or something by saying that? My father used to tell me eating the crust of bread would give me curly hair. Obviously not true. To think that mans knee problem had anything to do with what his mother told him is pretty much a long shot. I'd probably start asking about the mans life. I know many people who have bad knees and are still in their thirties. Along with older who have had knee replacements. It's not because of what their parents told them either.
One thing I was thinking about sharing with you was my grandmother. I used to always wonder why she never replied back to me after I told her I loved her. Though I cannot imagine having a more loving, precious, grandmother than her whom I was blessed to have. She did not have to say she loved me every time I saw her. I truly don't have one memory of her where she did not have a smile on her face and was so loving and caring toward me. She was such a good person and I know she is at peace with God now. She probably knew that saying "I love you" too much would get old and she didn't need to say it. I know she loved me dearly by who she was. Not her saying it.
As I will not use the word you don't like here anymore only for you. Not that it will do any difference though like I stated I am only thinking of you.
And maybe to make you feel better know that when I say "that word you don't like"(which I still use as there is no wrong to it) it sounds like "hallo" with smiles.
Showing our love toward one another in deeds in life is very much more important than just words. 1 John 3:18.
God Bless you Sam.
spiritual warfare? Or would you recommend getting well-versed in the Bible alone? Thank you . . .
I was saved out of Buddhism, the occult and New Age practices. I need to be fully armored in the Word
of God. God is preparing me to battle, I'm very aware.
Blessings on you. Ask the Holy Spirit to anoint you and teach you.
II Cor:3-6 "Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life."
However, I disagree that hell has anything to do with someone greeting another. I think this only gives credit and a sense of power to satan. Just because a word in a language has a few shared characters of a word that is negative, that doesn't mean any of the negativity rubs off on the other word. Otherwise, if your mom's name was Hellen or Helena, for example, would you disown or say bad things about her? I don't think that's loving one bit. There's names in the Bible that have those characters, but it doesn't mean anything bad about the person, like Ezra 10:35 has one: Chelluh.
A word being 'bad' also has much to do with the context and intent behind it. For example "Jesus" can be used as an uplifting name to be praised, or used as a curse word. Jesus said the word hell several times, are you suggesting that Jesus was wrong to say that word? He used it positively so that people can avoid hell. Matthew 10:28
You used the word hell too in your comment, so do you feel remorse from this? I see zero spiritual connection and disagree. Satan should not be given any more latitude than he already has. He doesn't own my words and I won't allow evil to take over exclusive use of our positive words. God bless.
To clarify, I am saying, you can use the word hell anytime you want, but that it is spiritually much better for people to greet other people with, LoveO, instead of HellO!
Subconsciously and spirituality over time it is better for both the sinners and the saints!!
I certainly do like people saying to me "LoveO",
Reminding me that I owe love to people.
If for the pass 200+ years, the sinners and the saints were greeting each other with "LoveO", instead of HellO, there would be a lot less 'hell' in the world today!
Also, if someone's name is Hellen, or some other word that has some negative overtones to it, then they can change their name to something more positive, if they want to! God changes peoples names all the time!!
Look at Abram!
God changed Abram's name to Abraham, and then God changed Abraham's wife's name from "Sarai," meaning "my princess," to "Sarah," meaning "mother of nations". Genesis 17:5 and Genesis 17:15
God changes names of people for spiritual reasons all the time!
God The Father even gives Christ a "new name", and this is for "spiritual" reasons first.
Revelation 3:12
"He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will not go out from it anymore; and I will write on him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God, and My new name."
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