Bible Discussion Thread

  • April on Ecclesiasticus 8 - 3 years ago
    Prayer for the Lord to protect, save, deliver, heal, anoint, bless, comfort, encourage, guard, provide, prosper, lead, guide, and fight all of my children's and grandson's battles, fight my battles and fill us all with His anointed Holy Ghost and give us wisdom, knowledge and understanding of His Word, and for favor at work, prayer for a brand new house to relocate to asap, God to keep His hedge of protection around me, my children, our homes, cars, jobs, prayer for God to fight my battles against my enemies, to cause them to permanently leave all my children & I alone and prayer for God's protection for our health, minds, lives & for God to protect my children grandson & I from people trying to break in our home and God to protect my children and I & everything we own from people shooting and all crimes, lies, etc., and prayer for God to heal my sons gums, for my son's deliverance from drugs and prayer for promotion and favor at my job for me, and for me to lose weight permanently and buy a new house in a good neighborhood and move now and more of God's anointing and power working through me in my life and acceptance and unity and peace in oue new community, city, neighborhood with protection in The Blood and The Name of Jesus Christ. Prayer for all my kids to be saved and live for Jesus.

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