Bible Discussion Thread

  • C. J. on Ecclesiasticus 8 - 3 years ago
    Please agree with me in prayer that the LORD Jesus Christ's Father--Almighty GOD--will please tell me the address of where I may go and rent to, to escape from Satan's children and their lifelong abuse of me. My parents--with all due respect to them--are into evil (Satanic/witchcraft/magic/etc)--and therefore have the power of GOD (remember how GOD gave Satan some of his power to hurt Job in Job 1:1-12)? Remember, too how GOD is all-powerful and He ONLY gave all-power to His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ ( Matthew 28:18 "And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.")? Therefore, ALL POWER that is, is Christ's Father's (GOD's), others just have some of it either directly from GOD the Father, or the Son, or the Holy Ghost, or they get it indirectly via evil--i.e. the Devil or devils/unclean spirits/familiar spirits who got it from Satan via GOD & GOD's permission only). Remember, too, that GOD's will be done in earth as IT IS in heaven ( Matthew 6:9-10). This means, since Hell is in the belly of the earth ( Matthew 12:40) or the center of the earth, or the hottest place on earth (the earth's core--where scientists have taught is molten lava). GOD's will is done therefore in Heaven, on earth, and in the earth (aka in Hell). I beg you to ask GOD to please tell me where I may go to escape Satan's children's abuse. I've been abused all of my life and I have NEVER been allowed to escape it. I am tired. Please help by praying for me. Thanks.

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