Bible Discussion Thread

  • Akachukwu on Revelation 6 - 3 years ago
    What does the pale horse represent?
  • Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - In Reply on Revelation 6 - 3 years ago
    Four Horsemen: Book of Revelation, Zechariah, and Book of John (Patmos)

    The four horsemen are described as Satan's army, Conquest, War, Famine and Death.

    Four figures in the Book of Revelation who symbolize the evils to come at the end of the world: They are often called the Four horsemen of the Apocalypse:

    The figure representing CONQUEST rides a white horse

    WAR rides a red horse

    FAMINE, a black horse

    DEATH, a pale horse.

    by PLAGUE and PESTILENCE, Earthquakes, Violent Weather.

    They are often called the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

    These are SIGNS we are to be watching for. When they occur together.

    Personally, I believe conquest is the subverting of world governments or political power. The Antichrist goal is to produce one world government and one world religion. Also, one world money system, which the Beast will use to deceive people into taking his Mark into their foreheads or hands: in order to buy and sell goods. Feed babies.

    Different Bible translations say of MATTHEW 24: plagues, pestilence. Our society calls it "world pandemic". It's a disguise for the truth told to us 2000 years ago, by the Son of God.

    *All these things are happening together in THIS century; Jesus told us these are the signs of the last generation of people.

    Keep watch on world money systems changing to create the One World Money System. Such as bitcoins and other money manipulations. Don't fall into the trap thinking governments cannot possibly de-value the money, gold, silver and precious stones, minerals.

    Revelation 6:1-8

    Become aware of Nations aligning themselves with other nations AGAINST the Nation of Israel. God will not allow any nation to nuke Israel. Watch and pray lots.

  • Simon - In Reply on Revelation 6 - 3 years ago

    Why not talk more about the end-times, so the ignorant may become wise? Something big is coming our way, catastrophic. You are bright with the NT, no doubt, but what of the OT? Jesus never shied away from honoring the prophets, and without them, there'd be nothing to fulfill. More importantly, in our times, we are seeing Revelation unfold. Shouldn't you understand the signs and tell the people over affirmations?

    Do you know how many Christians believe Jesus is coming next to save us, while not understanding antichrist must yield 42 months of world power, prior to Messiah's appearing? Christians are in a spiritual haze, without compass, no order of semblance or understanding. They know what someone has told them.

    I see 99% NT here, some to never know the prophets are more accurate than the morning newspaper. The prophets paint America as Mystery Babylon (new Rome) that gets hit with the "abomination of desolation" at the day of the Lord, sixth trumpet. There's only east vs west powers left: beast & Babylon. Come to terms with America being that evil, backsliding militant government, where in one hour is brought to naught. ( Revelation 18:18-20) God avenges the blood of prophets on her, the same forgotten prophets of today.

    The day of the Lord does not mean what most think it does ( Isaiah 13) ( Isaiah 47) ( Revelation 18). For people of earth, Babylon, it is a day of darkness and thick dark clouds. The beast has super weapons ( Ezekiel 21:9-12); devices ( Daniel 11:25) at sixth trumpet, and ( Daniel 11:24) post sixth trumpet. His weapons cause enough damage to knock the earth off its axis ( Isaiah 24:20) wobble, causing less daylight, a global curse. Joel 2:1-11 gives a visceral account of the unstoppable smart missile strike. The sixth trumpet is effectively the destruction of the whole house of Israel ( Isaiah 24), save the one hundred forty four thousand, elect. Between the sixth and seventh trumpets lie mans worst days.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Revelation 6 - 3 years ago
    If you will put Amos 5:8 in the Search Box; it will show the scripture highlighted in yellow. Scroll down to the Commentary Box and read that. Click on Other discussion for that verse. Many of us commented on that scripture 11 months ago.

    You can put that verse in Google like this: Amos 5:8 commentaries, or Amos 5:8 teachings

    To see what scholars have thought that verse to mean. Definitely take some notes in a notebook.

    If your KJV Bible has 'center of each page reference columns', that's what I use to follow scripture trails to additional info. Some are relevant to your search, and others aren't.

    My phone is out of gas; catch up with you later.

    1. SEARH BOX

    2. Other Translations for Amos 5:8

    3. Bible Commentary for Amos 5:8

    4. Wesley's Notes for Amos 5:8

    5. Other Discussion

    This is Wesleys Comments

    5:8 The seven stars - A constellation, whose rising about September was usually accompanied with sweet showers. Orion - Which arising about November brings usually cold, rains and frosts intermixt very seasonable for the earth. The shadow of the earth - The greatest adversity into as great prosperity. Dark with might - Changes prosperity into adversity. That calleth - Commands the vapour to ascend, which he turns into rain; and then pours from the clouds to make the earth fruitful.

    Below this will be a link to other Discussions
  • Akachukwu - In Reply on Revelation 6 - 3 years ago
    Thanks for your perspective.

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