Bible Discussion Thread

  • David on Ecclesiasticus 8 - 3 years ago
    I Praise the Lord that we as children of God can have a meaningful discourse on this forum. We all know that there are no perfect churches out there. Not even pastors or church leaders are perfect.

    The Apostles stayed in Jerusalem to minister. Both Elijah and Elisha were prophets in the Northern Kingdom to the ten tribes. We know from scripture of the wickedness in the Northern Kingdom and worshipping of false idols. Never-the-less they stayed to fulfill the will of God. We too can do the same. Through our testimony, walk, and talk we can praise the Lord.

    Do personal, one on one evangelism, ( Matthew 28:18-20). Pray for all, as I know many of us do, according to scripture. ( 2 Tim 2) Invite people over for a meal,( Acts 2). Nothing opens doors better than good food, and good fellowship. Get involved in a ministry. Go visiting. This one is some what difficult owing to the current pandemic we are in. Be creative. It's not easy, but the Lord will be praised. Let's be part of it. Let's not give the devil the upper hand to the souls that need to find Christ. God is still on the throne.

    God's Will is that we love His Word, meditate in His Word, and do His Word (Book of James). May the Lord's Hand be evident in all the we do for Him in His Name. Didn't mean to preach, just wanted to help. God love us all.

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