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  • Vincent Aja on Matthew 15 - 11 years ago
    I do believe that we are still taking the words of God out of their contexts simply because we do approach the Bible with our minds already made up with denominational doctrines. Otherwise something written in a plain English text shows that the Lord Jesus` accepting to be worshipped proved Him to be God ( John 20:28, Revelation 1:17-18). Another truth that this passage has also displayed is that the Jews were the FIRST CHURCH ( Acts 7:38), and that the Kingdom of God belongs to them because of the “Covenants” that God had made with their father, and again what the Syrophenician woman displayed here is that through faith the Gentiles will receive mercy and be part of the Kingdom of God. It is very wrong for anybody to teach that God has taken the Kingdom away from the Jews and gave it to the Gentiles. The only way that we can harmonize the Word of God is when we begin to crosscheck what was said in one place with another; and not apply theories to the words of God. For example what the Lord Jesus said here was in agreement with John 4: 22 where He says that, salvation is of the Jews, and in the same manner the Apostle Paul had followed Him with that tone. He disapproved every theory that the Kingdom was taken from the Jews for he always said, of the Jews first then the Gentiles Romans 1:16, etc.

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