Bible Discussion Thread

  • Missy Joe Allen on Isaiah 47 - 3 years ago
    American Babylon, Lady of the kingdoms, Idolatrous Lady Liberty reared up Image, of False freedom.

    Bald Eagle bird as the symbol and emblem of the country who built her nest among the stars, of the star bangled banner flag they wave,

    wandering stars of Hellywood, full of witchcraft and sorcery, watching over the Ramparts, surrounded by the sea walls, whose Pride hath decieved them. Who hath Fallen and become the habitation of dEVILS and every unclean and hateful BIRD. Her sins hath reached unto heaven and God hath remembered her inquities and will reward her double. The Sea shall come upon Babylon with the waves roaring and she shalt be burnt with Fire.
  • Texas Tom - In Reply - 3 years ago
    If it takes 4.5 units of TNT to destroy Mystery Babylon, the beast will use 9.

    In the home of the brave, Jefferson turnin' over in his grave.

    Fools glorifyin' themselves tryin to manipulate satan.
  • Stewart - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Missy Joe Allen,

    Texas Tom

    I do believe you are alluding to Babylon's fall.

    ( Revelation 18:6) Render to her as also she did render to you, and double to her doubles according to her works; in the cup that she did mingle mingle to her double.

    Using weapons no one has ever seen before, or defend against, by surprise; Belshazzar.

    God help us when the curtain comes down.

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