Bible Discussion Thread

  • Veronica - 3 years ago
    God is absolute, he means what he says and says what he means, along with his Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I don't understand those who are unsaved, in the entertainment industry, government and everyday life, that think it is cool or hip to be no character having people. In Romans Chapter 1:28-32, it talks about how the unsaved person enjoys sinning and sin, and the last verse states how those who enjoy sin and sinning are deserving of death. In the Book of Psalm Chapter 34:16 it says: The face of the Lord are against those that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the EARTH! The Lord also says he's not willing that ANY should perish, but that all come to repentance! The Lord wants people to be born again, saved, sanctified, filled with the Holy Spirit, and all their sins washed away by the Blood of Jesus Christ, but we realize, that this not going to be so, for many, when they stop breathing! (St. Matthew 7:14), meaning, for many. This being said, i have a question, why is it that those who are unsaved, enjoy sinning against the Lord so much, by not having Character! Why do they enjoy breaking the laws of the land? to be accepted by their peers? Why do they insist on telling God, that it's hip or cool to be a sinning fool against him?. Showing that they have no character, and that they are dishonorable? It's not hip or cool to be a person of no character and sinful, enjoying doing wickedness and sinning in the earth! The entertainment industry promotes this, and many of them are MISERABLE behind the scenes in their lives! Because, the word of God does NOT return void! If you are going around as a sinner calling God a liar for ANY reason! telling him that it's hip or cool to sin against him and live a life of no character and dishonorably before him, you will truly give an account to God! and You WILL reap what you sow, NO MATTER WHAT!( Romans 14:12, Galatians 6:7, Psalm 34:16, Romans 1:32) Live right, see good, live sinful, see death!
  • Chris - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hello Veronica. You asked, "why is it that those who are unsaved, enjoy sinning against the Lord so much?".

    You've shared some great thoughts & Scriptures there & indeed "the lust of the flesh, & the lust of the eyes & the pride of life" ( 1 John 2:16), is the standard for the majority, instead of doing "justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God" ( Micah 6:8).

    As Jesus spoke to the religious leaders, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do", it is only natural that those without the God of Heaven will cleave to the god of this world ( 2 Corinthians 4:4) who holds the hearts of men in his grip. As Satan's singular desire was to "ascend above the heights of the clouds (and to) be like the most High" ( Isaiah 14:14), so it is also found in his children that they too would behave like gods believing that no God exists, bar themselves.

    One can only imagine that if societal laws didn't exist (however weak & often mis-applied they might be) & without the presence of Christ's Church & the outworking of the Holy Spirit through her, what would be the extent of man's lusts & wickedness & how unrestrained his sins would be, that would speedily bring about another Noahic-type deluge. Yet God's next judgement will be by fire ( 2 Peter 3:7) as His Anger can no longer be withheld. May the life-changing, spirit-renewing Gospel continue to go out, pulling many out of the fiery deceptions & snares of the Devil ( Jude 23). Keep that holy fire burning, Sister.

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