Bible Discussion Thread

  • Michael homan on 1 Corinthians 6:7 - 3 years ago
    If a person would like to turn up the volume with there relationship/connection with God,Jesus n the Holy

    3 basic easy things one can do,to make it happen.self titled subject.Three steps to walk with the Holy

    (if not currently doin)

    1st is.

    No Cussing or crazy violent thoughts.after a person has not been around it for awhile,its amazing how nasty it sounds.Another reason is Righteousness and Raunchyness,cannot co-exist together.the dark force knows this and That is there main reason/tactic to impose them selves on people. most humans dont know it!...

    Purity cannot abide with nastyness.A lie cannot abide with Truth.Justice cuts off lie's/evl from truth/righteous.(whole nother story)..ha

    2nd step. Give to the Poor. anything..

    the more a person gives the more God will give, unique match of 'I will do what you do.or more. in his wonderous ways

    3rd step

    Do Not Work on lawn maintenance ,construction etc. This means more to God then can put into words... calls it 'Polluting of his Sabbaths' this day is set aside to smell the flowers/chill out,Reflect n do a Recharge.

    perfectly fine to water/feed plants,pets n family,to help in a emergency.Not a day of personal gain,day of Thankyou

    it could be worse.alot of info here was obtained thru supernatural experiences.Great results are 100% Guaranteed.

    For life
  • Lauren - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 6:7 - 3 years ago
    That is wonderful, Bless you.....
  • Michael homan - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 6:7 - 3 years ago
    Bless you too Lauren...

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