Bible Discussion Thread

  • Gaone Mothibi on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Atually i want the names of the three wise man that saw the star that reveled the birth of the child Jesus
  • Dianne - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Gaome You will not find the names of the Magoi but the reason they came so far with a literal caravan was because they saw an astronomical event that wasn't just a star it was actually a massing of planets, they were persian astronomers not astrology first one is science of the planets second one worship of the planets. They saw a planetary conjunction that's why they said to Herod where is He born King of the Jews, also they never a baby they saw a young child, the shephards were told to go see a babe wrapped in swaddling close. The reason the swaddling clothes was so important a sign in the east a child was wrapped in swaddling clothes indicated royalty and His words would always be pure.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Gaone Mothibi,

    The Bible never says there were three wise men. The literal Greek word is the word MAGOI for wise men. It's where we get our English word magic and magician from. They were sorcerers.

    They had come from the east. And in tracing back in history, and in tracing out the magi which they're called in English, back in the book of Daniel, as well as the book of Numbers, the magi were from the Mesopotamian area.

    They never traveled in a small group, so it's unlikely that there were just three of them. People come up with the number three because of the three gifts that were presented but the Bible never says three wise men. We don't know how many there were that came, and we don't know their names.

    They were actually a cast of Persian priests who were involved both as priests, as well as in the science field. They carried both aspects about them because they were involved in astrology and astronomy. In their priesthood in Persia, they relied on the stars, they relied on magic, and they relied on sorcery to gain their messages and to perform their function.

    They believed that when a great person was born upon the face of the earth that a cataclysmic event would happen in the stars which is kind of interesting. They believed that this great man's angel is up in the stars and this cataclysmic event will happen right before he is born.

    They literally predicted the birth of Alexander the great because they saw the cataclysmic events that happened in the stars and they knew that a great man had been born.

    Why would the event cause them to come to Jerusalem? Well, in the Mesopotamian area, back in the days of Balaam, if you remember when Balaam prophesied, in fact, in Numbers 24:17, Balaam prophesied and said a star would come out of Jerusalem.

    This was the same area that these priests came from. They had Balaam's prophesies. The Jews should have know the exact day that their Messiah would come. They missed it. But the magi knew!
  • Dianne - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Jesse This ones for you the shepherds were told they would find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger look up eastern culture and why that is a big deal, thought you would get blessed on that one.

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