Bible Discussion Thread

  • David - 3 years ago
    "Then He touched their eyes saying, According to your faith be it unto you." Jesus had just healed two blind men following him, crying for mercy from the Son of David. He asked them if they believed He was able, whereupon He said the famous verse above, Matthew 9:29.

    Faith is key to receiving Jesus' gifts when walking with Him in the Spirit daily, simply by: doing your morning verse and prayer, then practicing goodness with the first two commandments through the day with prayer when you need strength or forgiveness, carrying zero guilt, having no wants, carrying the Shield of Faith at all times after rising in the morning because you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

    Faith is key, "For we walk by Faith (in things eternal knowing we are saved), not by sight (the things we see here, the evil, and death). 2Cor5:7.

    Getting Faith, or growing it daily is key. It's easy. Jesus and the apostles made it so easy for us with the Gospels. None of the early Christians had the benefit of the Word, though meeting Jesus in person would have been the bomb.

    HERE IT IS: "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." Your morning verse and prayer alone will grow your faith. Practice walking in the Spirit all day, in faith, in prayer, loving a Creator we live and move and have our being in - that gave His only Son, Jesus, to be the sacrifice for us all, and He was perfect without blemish. We all here have committed sins against the Spirit in our monkey bodies sharing 99 and 84% DNA with chimps and dogs, resp.

    So faith comes by hearing the Word of God, and I add reading it will suffice as well. The Word or Bible will grow you as you walk and your strength of faith will grow as well. He has shown the way - our Lord Jesus to get home to Heaven - John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no one cometh to the Father but by Me." And today's VOTD Matthew 17:20 is very!

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