Bible Discussion Thread

  • Randy - 3 years ago
    I'm requesting prayer from anyone reading this as I'm struggling with depression. Maybe it's a thorn in my flesh that I'm supposed to somehow deal with, but I sure wish I had some relief. Part of it is this feeling in complete isolation and not feeling supported or loved. I'm alone 24/7 and go many days without talking to anyone, and when I do it's usually short and superficial, like for a few seconds ordering food to go. I'm struggling to find anything to look forward to and I know this probably isn't what God had planned for any of us. I've given up on dating- no one seems interested. Church is all masked up, seems superficial, and if I go no one knows me. I feel disconnected from the Christian body. I've heard sermons where they even shame people like me for being disconnected, yet never offer any solutions either. The outgoing pastors seem to not comprehend what its like walking in someone elses shoes who doesn't happen to be super outgoing and doesn't have thousands of friends and limited social opportunity. They may not understand how hard it is for some to feel they are accepted and belong somewhere. I think doing being stuck like this for too long might drive anyone insane and I'm not sure how much more I can bear. At the moment I don't feel a slave to sin, but this isolation is definitely making me vulnerable and I'm catching myself eating for emotional comfort and gaining weight. Just asking for prayers from anyone noticing this- thank you.
  • Cesar RIOS - In Reply - 3 years ago
    In Jesus mighty name
  • Anita Vold - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear Randy. Your prayer reqest is on the way. You are in a suffer right now. Turn around and see up on Jesus Chist. Our Savior. He is there for you. Like all we in the web site. Holy spirit is close in your heart you are not alone. God bless you.

    Do you have a sea or some wather close by. Take a bath in clean wather. Can you go and listening, you can try to reflekt over. What can you do? Turn around and see what you can do. And if you get a word or your heart is speaking to you. Then do it, all who is good. Go in Jesus name i pray.
  • Erica - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Randy, don't give up - I have been exactly where you are - having experienced extreme isolation and crippling loneliness and also not speaking to anyone for days. I suffered severe depression even coming close to ending it all. God's grace, mercy, and love has saved me and He will save you to - He loves you and is with you - right where you are always. Just talk to Him like a friend and call on His name -many nights I sobbed in bed and said "Lord help me" - and He has - it seemed like a long road back but now I am realizing He WAS there and HEARD me sobbing and calling to Him - He HEARS you, He LOVES YOU with an infinite love - so much that He died on the cross for you. Call on the Lord, please don't give up, our Lord and Savior is restoring my life and He will restore yours too - YOU are precious in His sight. A verse I repeated many times out loud and know is TRUE: This poor man cried out and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his all his troubles. The angel of the Lord encamps all around those that fear Him and delivers them. Psalm 34 vs 6-7. I have never replied or posted anything on social media but your description of isolation and depression is identical to what God is delivering me from that I felt a need to send you a message - I apologize if it is too long or wordy but I sincerely hope in some way it may help- God bless you and keep you in His loving arms, I am praying for you, sincerely your friend in Christ, Erica
  • Dianne - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Randy Some things to share with you it applies to any who choose want to believe Gods word. Do you want to be miserable? If you want to be miserable look to yourself look within. Do you want to be discouraged? If you want to be discouraged look around at others. Do you want to be peaceful? Ir you want to be peaceful look to God and His word. All His promises are absolute tense Romans 8:37 you can start atverse 31 37 says nays in all these things we are more than conquerors thru him that loved us. That tells you we all have things to conqueror your not alone. Another point in John 14:27 Peace I leave you my peace I give unto you not as the world giveth give I unto to you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid the word afraid is timid or shrinking. Look at 2 Timothy 1:7 not a bad deal. Too many times Christians are waiting for God to make a move when God is waiting for us. Our brother Jesus Christ was always on the go Preaching teaching and healing. In Genesis 6 God told noah to build a boat and told him why and told Him how you don't read where he said I'll get around to it or whats a boat or I'm not a sailor, or how am I gonna get the animals in. Th bible says in Gen. 6:23 Thus did noah according to all God commanded Him so did he. Think about this in 6:9 the only guy who was just and perfect. He didn't get caught up on his surroundings which at that time were probably pretty messy he acted on Gods word and got delivered. Some things to think about
  • THE GOD OF THE BIBLE EVERY DAY - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Right after I was saved, a Preacher said to the congregation:


    ...IS SIN. I was a newby so I had to think about that seriously.

    I'd have days when I'd say "I feel like a dump truck ran me over, but thanks be to God through the Lord Jesus Christ, I'm going to rise up now and feel wonderful."

    This works if we allow it to. Life can come in like a flood, but we don't have to be swept away with it.

    I was called to: beating the pavement street ministry. You have to have a sense of humor to minister to "all walks of life". You need to be friendly. Read all of Proverbs to prove that humorless sternness is interesting. Their gonna walk past you...and maybe die in their sins because we decided to mope around that day.

    Explain that to Jesus! Every day is new and how we spend the 24 hours is a choice.

    I have memories from age 5, of an invisible friend; a presence of greatness I could a child. We created a Genesis in a washtub. It had every thing in it. the critters I put in it; provisions. We would sit together and just watch what they would do all day. Some ate the others, some crawled out and ran away, others hid, others were thrilled to have water and food. He would show me that people are just as interesting. We can survive just knowing each and every day of our lives, GOD HAS HIS EYE ON US. He's so wise and mighty, He doesn't miss a thing.

    So sit with Him every day and learn from Him. Treat others with kindness and consideration of their few needs and wants. Appeal to the human soul that wants to understand why God Loves them so much. A human soul that is often brutalized by life lived without God.

    Theology will not warm a hurting soul. The GOSPEL is a Person. He's alive, He's watching us, He cares for our needs. He is what we Need. We need THE JESUS of the Bible we teach. The Holy Spirit is his gift to us. Ask for the GIFT with your heart. Receive Him.

  • Kevin - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Randy,

    I'm not a pastor or anything like that, just a man trying to please God. I'm very sorry to hear of your current struggles with depression and isolation. Its been very difficult for many during these COVID days. As I struggle through my own troubles I can surely understand some of what your going through. It seems like there's no way out and no one cares but the most important thing to understand is there is a way out and there are many people who care. I know in recent times God has eliminated my support system so I would come directly to him, our source. I know its not easy, but He is the way out and he loves you beyond your wildest imagination. I'm still amazed at how much He truly loves me, and He loves you just the same! I will surely pray for you and your escape from this situation. I pray that you find everything you need in God first, and everything else will come. Please don't give up on yourself, this is situation may seem the worse, but you can get through it. I posted a prayer request here and wondered if anyone ever responds to these. Instead of looking to see who responded to mine I decided to respond to the prayer request of others. After reading this, spend a few minutes praying for someone else. Remember God loves you more than you can comprehend. Be blessed my friend!
  • Clydene - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I am praying for you. Can you join a Daily Scripture Writing Plan on Facebook? You can connect with other believers. Oe if you are in position to volunteer with animals or botanical garden groups, or something that you have an interest in. Perhaps a Zoom Bible Study, such as Church of the Highlands or other large churches offer, that are doctrinally sound. God bless you Randy.
  • Wintana - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hello randy,um glad you to wrote and opened up.i am delighted to share this wiz u.i sympathize with you and what you are going through.i will explain a little abt my self so u have background.i was born and raised in a Christian family.i used to try to do things by my own and find peace and happiness.its very long story but I came to know Jesus and to say the list of my life changed once and for all.then I no longer wanted to walk my own path.i gave my life completely over to him and I have never been the same.i have no identity out side of christ.

    I have had a lot of ups and downs in life very hard time I don't know how I explain this time.u know since grade 9 my life completely changed in to hell,I was like 14 yes old thing going wrong until 29 yr old now um 30 yr I was suffered by depression ohh too much pain I was isolated from people, friends no confidence and I gave up on my life,I have grieved people have come and left,I had little to nothing and had much but through all this God has been constant,never changed and my strong tower.fanly God gave me happiness and peace regardless my situation.coz of him I live now um start looking forward.rand pls contact me i will share u my experience and I will help u u won't be alone any more and no more suffer belive me.i know God he will change ur life for ever.txt me in my email ok pls pls.

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