Bible Discussion Thread

  • John on Revelation 13 - 3 years ago
    I just listened to a lesson by J. Vernon Mcgee that seems to imply there will be two antichrists during the seven-year tribulation. The first beast will "rise up out of the sea" in verse one indicating that he is a political leader rising out of the great masses of humankind.

    Verse eleven says "and I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth." Mcgee says the second beast "rising out of the earth" is a religious Anti-Christ rising out of Israel because the earth is symbolic for Israel.

    I know there have been several schools of thought with regard to the interpretation revelation. Which one does his interpretation fit into and why?
  • IMKane - In Reply on Revelation 13 - 3 years ago
    I would say that McGee belongs to the premillennial, futurist camp. Do an online search if you're unfamiliar with the terms premillennialism and futurist. Peace.
  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply on Revelation 13 - 3 years ago
    Hey John,

    Like is said, many people have a plethora of interpretations on Revelation. The word antichrist has developed into a being, along with seven years into a story of fiction. The word antichrist is only in first and second John ( 1 John 2:18,22) (1 John4:3) ( 1John 1:7), if you read, there are billions of antichrists today.

    If you read Revelation there is not one, or two, but three, Satan, the beast, and the false prophet. Satan is cast down to earth Revelation 12; this is permanent because no place is left for him in heaven, he gives his seat, authority, and power to the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit. In Revelation 13 this beast comes out of the sea (bottomless pit) ( Revelation 11:7) ( Revelation 17:8). The second beast (false prophet) Makes image and causes those to worship the first beast and take the mark ( Revelation 13:11-18)

    I am not familiar with J. Vernon Mcgee so I cannot comment on what he said. Many takes Daniel, Mathew and some of Paul and paint some fantastic picture of end time. If you are studying Revelation read it from front to back 5-10 times with no preconceived ideas in your head before you start to study it.

    Many interpretations use scripture and prophecies that have already been fulfilled, pray before you study and let the Holy Spirit lead you. Clear your mind from all the things you have heard and understand that somethings have not been revealed to us as yet. Some things we will not know until they happen.

    Walk in the light,

  • Mel - In Reply on Revelation 13 - 2 years ago
    Do you think the covid vaccine is the mark of the beast? People are getting fired over it. Can't buy or sell
  • Kevin - In Reply on Revelation 13 - 2 years ago
    Clade X event was May15,2018 and the global Covid plandemic was declared a global on march11,2020 count the number of days between these dates its 666 days , what's this prove? They knew and planned it all. Now do you see how 666 is connected to the corona virus , corona means crown God said let no MAN STEAL YOUR CROWN.
  • Fred - In Reply on Revelation 13 - 2 years ago
    The revelation describes the mark in the hand or the forehead. Perhaps a genetic code? probably nothing at all, not even a preventive cure. A placebo perhaps, to create the parameters for the future technology. If you know the word of God and what it says, then you know you are in living in the most spectacular of times. You will see things that the prophets of old have spoken of. The power of the Holy Spirit, the revelation fulfilled! The coming of Christ with all his holy Angels!

    Many will think they do God service, those who design the technology that bring all these things to pass. Hell, is a real place in eternity, God is clear on these matters of the law, and the forgiveness of sin found in Christ!

    The same technology that man uses to prevent his end, will be the same technology that will bring His demise! It is impossible to serve God and man, you will either love one ,or hate the other!
  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply on Revelation 13 - 2 years ago
    Hey Mel,

    The covid vaccine is not the mark of the beast. The way the government is mandating it and people are losing their jobs is scary but it is not the mark. The mark of the beast is said to be diverse things, a literal mark, a computer chip, symbols, and more, but is not a shot in the arm. The mark of the beast will be based on worship.

    It will be similar to the Decian persecution in 250 AD, it was a decree ordering that the sacrifices be performed in the presence of a Roman magistrate, it was a signed and witnessed certificate, issued to that effect. A great number of Christians were put to death for refusing to perform the sacrifices, many others apostatized and performed the ceremonies, and others went into hiding. This will not be a piece of paper but a mark on the hand or forehead, but you will know exactly what it is and we will have a choice.

    Revelation 13, the second beast/false prophet creates an image of the first beast, and if we are still living will have to worship this image and take the mark or be killed. Like the certificate in 250 A.D. without the mark, you will not be able to buy food, or if you have a business you will not be able to have a license to sell.

    The temptation to take this mark will be great, but we have been given a promise in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Revelation 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

    Our strength is in our faith in Jesus, God bless,

  • Bianka - In Reply on Revelation 13 - 2 years ago
    Wise suggestion. Much appreciated!
  • Revelations 13 - In Reply on Revelation 13 - 3 years ago
    John, I don't have all the answers, if you put 10 people in a room and asked them anything about the book of Rev. you'll get 10 different answers. I can tell you that in 2 Thess. chapter 2 it talks of; "that man of sin shall be revealed, the son of perdition" vs: 3 (singular) and in vs:8 "shall that Wicked be revealed", meaning one. Hope this helped. God's servant.
  • John 1956 - In Reply on Revelation 13 - 3 years ago
    Thank you for your response.
  • Cowboy - In Reply on Revelation 13 - 3 years ago

    If you are a Christian before you start to study Revelation pray and ask God for his wisdom and understanding of the scriptures ask God for the knowledge of the word and do not rush through the scriptures allow God to brake the scriptures down for you to understand and God will. Jesus told us (in our language) to ask for his wisdom and understanding. As for the beasts there are two the first is the world and the second is a religious organization.

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